Who's Eclipse?

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"Well, I THINK her name should be..." Sunny built up suspension as he held the cat close "STAR!!" He held her away from his body and did a little spin. You winced and carefully plucked the baby from his long fingers.

"Star is an adorable name, Sunny. Very creative...but I think maybe there's another one that would suit her better. It just hasn't come to me yet. And also, maybe don't give her shaken baby syndrome?" You smiled softly and he frowned, huffing.

"How about starlight? I think it's plenty fitting," Moon wiggled his fingers towards the kitten, and she pawed his hand, getting her claws caught. Moon freaked out and desperately tried to fling her off. You grabbed him and gently disconnected the two, shaking your head.

"No, that one wouldn't work, either. How would I know if you're talking to me or her?" You added. He grumbled and took his hand from yours.

"I suppose you're right,"

You smiled, satisfied, "Don't worry, we aren't in a rush to name her. It will come to us eventually. For now, we need to focus on-"

You looked around the house and your eyes widened in surprise.

"OH!" You shouted.

"OH?!" Sunny repeated, questioning your sudden outburst.

"FURNITURE! This whole time I've been focusing on not getting murdered instead of buying new furniture!"

"What a great idea, starlight. I was getting tired of looking at this mess, anyways,"

Moon smirked and your eye twitched, "Oh, and don't think I forgot how this mess happened in the first place, Mr.," You glared, and he avoided your eyes professionally.

"I agree! We could make everything brighter and happier and much more colorful than it is now! We could get lots of tables for crafts or- ooh! A ball pit!" Sunny pitched his ideas to you, and you patted his head.

"As much as I would love to have a ball pit installed, it might be slightly outside our budget," His once rotating spikes stopped and drooped, making you frown. "But, hey! After we take our new friend to the vet, you guys can help me pick out a new couch? Whaddya say?" You offered.

Moon grumbled and shrugged his shoulders while Sunny squealed and spun in a circle.


"Well?" You looked to Moon. He slowly looked you in the eyes and grinned.

"I'll go," He started.

"Great! Are you guys ready?" You grabbed your keys and handed the kitten to Sunny.

"-only if you beg me to. Tell me how much you'll miss me and oh how desperately you crave my opinion,"

You blinked and stood there briefly before spinning on your heels and grabbing the doorknob.

You were practically halfway out the door before realizing only human-esc Sunny was following you, meaning Moon had stayed behind.

You rolled your eyes and groaned, unlocking the car for Sunny.

"I'll be right back," you told him, walking back inside. Moon was exactly where he stood before, a smug look on his face. "Are you coming or not?" You folded your arms and expectantly shifted your weight onto one hip.

He also looked expectant; you silently knew he was waiting for your praises. "Moon don't be ridiculous. Let's just go..." You opened your eyes and reeled back from how close his face was to yours.

"Say it, (Y/N),"

You bit your lips together and looked away bashfully, "S-stop fucking around, Moon,"

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𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now