Do You Sleep with Socks On?

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"Alone?? You aren't alone, sunbeam! You have us! ~" Sunny smiled at you genuinely and you returned the expression, intertwining your fingers with his.

Your eyes widened at the size difference, his fingers an additional four inches longer than your own. Thankfully, Moon clearing his throat to indirectly tell you to let go of his shirt, prevented your mind from wandering any further. You released the fabric and apologized.

"Sunny's right, for once. You aren't alone. Which means you wouldn't mind if I had slipped out for just a few minutes, right?"

Your uneasy expression gave him the answer he was searching for, making him sigh in defeat. He returned to his spot next to you on the bed and grabbed your free hand, also weaving his fingers between yours.

You raised a suspicious eyebrow at him, and he flushed, looking away.

"What? And let Sunny be the only one who gets to hold your hand?" He asked rhetorically, making you laugh.

"Is this your way of telling me you wanted to hold my hand? Damn, Moon. If you wanted another kiss, you should've just said s- MMPF!"

He was quick to act, placing his opposite hand over your mouth to prevent you from saying anything else. You peeled his padded fingers from your face and questioned him.

"WHY?! You know, you better be glad I scrubbed the fuck out of you guys- otherwise I would've been very pissed. My skin is sensitive bruh."

Moon blinked at you twice before his gaze relocated above your head, widening at the emotional turmoil unfolding behind you. You took a moment to realize what was happening, turning gradually, and met with a very confused Sundrop.

"K-k-kiss? D-did you two had...kissed?" His left eye twitched as he stared back at Moon. Your mouth was agape, not really sure how to respond to how Sunny was reacting to this sudden news. You turned to Moon, the expert on how to read Sunny, and saw him attempting to escape once more.

"HEY!" You shouted.

If only he was a little faster in maneuvering himself through the window, then maybe he wouldn't be dealing with Sunny dragging him back inside. Sunny shut and locked the window, facing Moon with a crazed expression.

"Look, Sunny, my favorite sun-shaped friend-"

"YOU'RE ALWAYS DOING THINGS WITHOUT ME!" He yelled. Moon stayed silent for what seemed like ten seconds too long, allowing Sunny to speak again. "Why do you always do things I ask you not to do?? A-And it's not like I ask you to do much so I'm not sure why you're always treating me"

"Like shit?" You asked, retrieving another piece of your chosen snack. Sunny nodded and gestured to you.

"Yes, that!"


"And I even had to decorate our room by myself! You don't do anything but mess things up and leave me to fix it like I'm some sort of-"

"Daycare attendant?" You added. He nodded and thanked you again for your input.

"Precisely! Wait, what?"

"Sunny, I'm sorry. I really am, but you see, what happened was-"


You snacked while you observed. This was the best soap opera you've ever seen. Now if only they offered this in Spanish-

"You mess everything up, you don't help, you delay our time together with (Y/N), and next thing I know you're KISSING THEM?! LIKE YOU DESERVE TO AFTER ALL THE CHAOS YOU'VE CAUSED?!"

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now