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"What do you mean it's for me? You want me to put this thing ON?! Th-that wasn't a part of the deal, Vanessa-" You shook your head and stepped aside, wanting to get as far away as possible from that thing.

"Sorry! Change of plans, I guess," She giggled, and you cringed as her laugh echoed. You looked away for one second and she was no longer where she stood just moments before.

"Vanessa?!" You looked around frantically, you needed to keep your eyes on her at all times. Especially if she's changing plans last minute-

You stopped moving. You stopped thinking. You froze, listening.


She was behind you.

"Please..." She whispered, "Call me Vanny,"

You don't have the time or patience for this. You pulled out your gun and pointed it where you assumed she was, a flashlight placed accordingly on top.


She's not here?

"A gun, huh. That's definitely not what we agreed on, (Y/N)." Vanessa growled, her fast and heavy footsteps were approaching your blind spot. Your eyes widened and you swiveled to catch her before she reached you. You pre-aimed and shot in the darkness three times.

"YEAH?! WELL, CHANGE OF PLANS!" You shouted, mocking her.

All of your shots sounded distant, as if they didn't reach their target. You cursed under your breath and kept turning every which way.

Some help would be appreciated right now.

Your mind wandered as you thought of Sun and's odd they haven't come to help, yet.

You thought as a rock hit your side.

"Getting distracted, are we? Well, you might want to focus on what I'm about to say," Vanessa called out to you, but you still couldn't see her. This was driving you crazy.

She's like a ghost.

"Why don't you come back and tell me what you need to say to my face, then?" You answered. She laughed at that.

"Right, so you can SHOOT ME?! Very funny. You know, it's a shame, (Y/N),"

"What is?"

"I didn't think you'd bring a gun, to be honest. You're really making this fight unfair..."

"Unfair? Talk about being unfair, I've never done shit to you. But somehow you just keep fucking appearing in my life,"

The structure creaked, a nearby ledge falling to the ground and crumbling. You acted fast and put space between you and the debris.

"Oh BOO-HOO! You're right, (Y/N). Your life is sooo difficult!" Something else flew at you, nearly hitting you between the eyes. You dodged it and watched Vanessa walk through the settling dust "Just like how getting the job at the Pizzaplex was difficult, right? Surrounding yourself with friends was difficult....and even forming a relationship was difficult, huh?" She walked towards you steadily, fists clenched at her sides.

You kept the weapon aimed at her leg, just in case.

"What are you talking about?" You interrupted.

She scoffed and hung her head as she laughed, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't beat around the bush. Shall I just get to the point, then? You're annoying," She started.

"HOW AM I ANNOYING?! YOU'VE LITERALLY TRIED TO KILL ME ON MANY OCCASIONS- I think you're misinterpreting the definition of 'annoying',"

"Selfish, unbearable, spoiled," She stalked closer and counted her fingers as she talked.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now