The Cats Out of the Bag.

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Buying new furniture kept slipping your mind. For some reason, everything else happening in your life seems to be more important than a new couch. Lately, you'd been so busy with work and keeping Sun's sanity at bay.

"B-but you've already gone to work this week? You're telling me you have to go back EVERY WEEK?!" Sun shrieked, his hands dramatically slapping both sides of his face. You laughed as you looked for couches online.

"YES, Sunny, EVERY WEEK! I have to work to get money to pay for the house, you know. AND to buy new TVs," You gave him an all-knowing look and he smiled sheepishly.

"Well, I supposed that makes sense..." The spikes on his head drooped.


"Was that not my schedule when I worked at the pizzaplex?" You questioned. He placed a finger on his chin comically before shrugging.

"Kind of, I think. You sort of never left so I'm not entirely sure when you had days off. You preferred to spend them with us and F/N, anyway,"

You stopped typing and looked up from your screen, "I never left?! So, all day every day for over a year I stayed inside the pizzaplex?"

It sounded ridiculous. Unbelievable, even. Who were you and why did you devote years of your life to living inside a kiddy-mall?

"Yep! Now that I think about it, (F/N) and I probably should've made you go outside more often," Sun avoided your stare and you shook your head.

"You think?! I'm sure it wasn't good for any of us to be breathing kid-infested air particles for that long- Oh, speak of the devil," It was F/N calling you. Sun nosily read the name that appeared on your illuminated phone screen and pursed his lips, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Meelf Lover? What's a Meelf and why does F/N love them? Meelf...Meeilf?"

You shushed him and answered the call, choking on a laugh, "Hey what's up-"

"(Y/N)~" She sang. Even though you had just reunited with your old friend, something told you her tone meant something chaotic was about to be said.


"Are you perhaps...busy at the moment?" She giggled menacingly. You looked over at Sunny who was still pondering the definition of Milf.

"No, why?"

"Great! We were hoping you'd say that! Now, open the door, please. My arms are losing circulation with how may bags I'm carrying," You heard the plastic shift on her end which coincidentally also sounded like it was outside your front door. It dawned on you that she meant to open YOUR DOOR. You slowly turned to see the shadows of two girls waiting in front of your window. You nearly dropped your phone from suddenly shoving a very confused Sunny into the bedroom. You looked through your peephole. It was them. You hurriedly opened the door and their struggles to hold many bags was halted at the sight of you. A smile crept onto (F/N)'s face, only Nini's grasp holding her back from running you over.

"WOW! You're so hot, (Y/N)! I totally expected you to be all old and wrinkly by now. Being a cop sure is stressful," She rambled. Nini closed her eyes, embarrassed by (F/N)'s words.

"Sorry, (Y/N) to show up randomly like this. It's really good to see you. May we come in?"

You collected your wits and opened the door for them to enter.

"O-oh, yeah sure, sorry about that. I'm just very...uh..."

"Excited?! Happy?! So very honored and amazed to see my beautiful face after all these years?! I know, you don't have to tell me," (F/N) stepped inside and set all 50 of her bags on your counter. Nini followed after her, close in tow.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now