Just a Raccoon.

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There you stood, outside the sorry excuse of a child's wonderland. You began to think. You watched as the EMT's carefully maneuvered the wheels of the stretcher over some rubble and hoisted it up into the ambulance. The white sheet laid lightly over the corpse absorbed blood both around its midsection and face; you could only imagine what condition it was in.

"Doing alright there, shrimp?" You could sense the lack of empathy in Claire's voice a mile away.

She followed your eyes to the medical car and tsked, patting your back. "It's a shame, really. We try telling those teens not to come down here and fool around, but they just don't listen," She chuckled and removed her hand from your shoulder. "Don't worry about it, newbie, we'll catch them. C'mon, let's get you back to the station."

You nodded innately, still deep in thought.

The ride back to the station was nothing like to the crime scene. It was short, considering you were in your own head the majority of the way. Claire and your coworkers chatted about the scene and to be honest...you could care less. Tuning them out was the easiest thing to do right now. By the time you were back at the precinct, your shift was nearly over. Everyone around you was busy with paperwork and phone calls coming in from various news outlets, you basically had nothing to do but think. You scribbled on a stack of sticky notes before leaning back in your chair, staring at your monitor. The end of your pen clacked against your desk as you bit your lip.

It wasn't too long ago..maybe, just maybe...

You refrained from looking up your old workplace in fear of seeing something you don't like or putting yourself in some sort of post-event shock. It was odd, your torpid wish to learn more about what happened to you seemed to awaken with your recent visit; leaving you with the sudden urge to-

"Knock, knock! You can go home now, by the way." One of your superiors pretended to knock on the doorframe and instead cleverly said the words...knock knock. Amusing. You smiled weakly in an attempt to stay on good terms and nodded.

"Thanks," You shut down your computer and shoved your laptop into your obnoxious work bag.

"No prob. Have a good night, newbie."

"You too."

You slung the bag over your shoulder and locked up your office. Typically, a lot of the workers here had cubicles and had to deal with nosy neighbors and shit. But you had your own office, another perk of people thinking you're fragile. You grabbed a donut from the lounge on your way out and tossed your bag into the back seat of your car. The donut helped, but sadly did not suffice the increasing hunger to go back.

It's dangerous, the place is probably covered in police tape, and what would even be the point? Just to relive some pre-cripple fantasy and try to remember how life used to be?

You reasoned with yourself and decided against it. You've worked so hard to cut that problematic piece of your life out and now you wanted to selfishly throw all of that away? You laughed at yourself and shook your head, pulling into the parking lot.


You knew it was already starting to get dark outside...but didn't recall the parking lot to your apartment being this dreadful. You surveillanced the area through your windshield and blinked.

"What the..fuck?"

You were at the Pizzaplex. You locked your doors automatically. Though it was dark, the familiar fluorescent-yellow tape twisting in the wind caught the gleam of your headlights. You pressed two fingers to your lips and tried to understand how the fuck you drove yourself here without even realizing.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now