The Heist.

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I didn't sleep a wink. The gashes on my arm and hand were no paper cut, but definitely didn't need stitches...I hope. I searched the internet for any last detail I could find on who I was seven years ago. I didn't find much if I'm being honest. Only public legal documents and a handful of news broadcasts documenting the fire. Lots of people commented on the news saying they missed the place or are jealous of people who got to experience it before it was gone. I know how they feel. How do you think it feels to be jealous of your own damn self?

It was well passed 5AM now. Your eyes stung, beckoning you to rest. But you were so exhausted; at this point, rest seemed to be the last thing your body was allowing you to do.

"Good morning...Chief..." You muttered into your phone with a fake cough.

"Good morning (L/N)? Are you alright? Is something the matter?" Claire asked, concern evident in her tone.

You talked with your hands as you fibbed to your superior, "Yes! I mean- uh, no. Everything is NOT alright. I think I'm coming down with something, actually. I don't want to, but I might have to use my PTO," You spoke low, almost at a whisper.

"All of a sudden? But when I saw you yesterday, you sounded fine. Weird. Well, alright then...thanks for checking in, shrimp. I'll have Miller fill in for ya'. Hope you feel better soon so we can get this case solved and done with. Wouldn't be able to do it without ya'," You could almost hear her smile. Claire may have seemed stern, but she wore her heart on her sleeve. You smiled half-heartedly and nodded.

"Thank you, Chief. I'll be back soon," you said, throwing in some more fake coughs for good measure.

"Alright, (Y/N). Feel better,"

"Thank you." You hung up.

A mischievous smirk crept onto your lips. You weren't feeling sick, not in the slightest. In fact, right now is the most alive you've felt in years. You felt sneaky, lying to your boss like that. But doesn't everyone do that at least once in their life? You yawned and let your head fall onto your couch's armrest. A deep inhale and the fluttering of your eyelids was enough to send your body into the deep sleep it oh so very needed.

You awoke from your slumber feeling refreshed and reborn. You stretched and sat up slowly, checking the time on your phone.

"SWEET! I took a long power nap, I guess," It was now 10, meaning you slept a solid 4 hours. "Better than usual."

You got up and poured yourself some water, looking out the window. The clouds were dark and heavily implying rain. Despite the odd weather change, the sky seemed to be a bit darker than the usual rainstorm would have made it. You double checked your phone before nearly spitting your water out.

"10PM?!?! (22:00) I SLEPT FOR 17 HOURS?!" You made a face to yourself before triple checking your mishap. Sleep debt really WAS a thing and it decided today was the day. You ran your hands over your head, thinking. The animatronics' manual caught the corner of your eye. You chewed your lip.

"It's a 12-minute drive. If I speed...I just..." You thought aloud to yourself. You didn't have any certified experience with mechanics other than that one time you changed your own tire...or when you punched your laptop and it started working again. But if the memory you saw last night had any truth to it, you did fix them once.

Maybe you could do it again?

"NO! (Y/N), look at your damn arm for crying out loud! This is the second time this had happened to you, and you want to bring that thing into your HOME?!" Your needs and wants were currently battling in your brain right now, making you a conflicted mess. "They're clearly unpredictable and even said themselves they could hurt you worse." You reasoned. One side of your consciousness was screaming: You got lucky getting out alive this time, DO NOT go back and make things more difficult for yourself. While the other part was saying: They need your help, you can save them...

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now