Fingers Crossed.

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"Will you be taking anything with you to soothe your pain?" Sunny asked nervously, hands fumbling at the fact you have to return to work today.

"Yeah...I'll take some Advil with me. Thanks for the idea," You smiled brightly and fastened your utility belt with caution, careful not to make it too tight.

Sunny was very obvious when it came to how he felt. Body language, verbal descriptions, even the fluctuation in his voice was enough to tell you he was upset. Moon, on the other hand, is what you call apathetic. He doesn't show his emotions through his expression; making your best bet becoming a fucking mind reader and assuming how he felt.

And because Sunny is so obviously worried for you, you had to assume Moon wasn't very happy, either.

He sat on the corner of your bed with his arms crossed loosely.

"Maybe, here's an idea: you should just stay home. Where you're safe," He retorted, checking his nails. You sighed and left for the kitchen, both of them following.

"You know I can't do that," You picked up your bag and other essentials.

"A-are you sure, sunshine? Not even one more night?-"

"I'm sure, you guys," You put your foot down and faced them. They halted in their tracks and Sunny smacked into Moon's back, "I know you're worried, but I can't sit in my house forever and cower at the thought of what Vanessa might do next. She doesn't have the balls to try something on me in public, trust me,"

"Oh yeah? Well, she seemed to have plenty of them when SHE ARTICULATED A VERY OBVIOUS TRAP THAT YOU FELL FOR AND GOT YOURSELF HURT, (Y/N)!" Moon barked and you closed your eyes at his outburst. You don't like being yelled at, but you know he's right.

"I get it, okay? But my decision is final. I will be fine with other people around me," You looked into Moon's eyes, and he glared, skeptical. You grabbed each of their hands and pulled them down to eye level, "Trust me?" You smiled and sunny placed your hand on his cheek.

"I trust you,'s other people we don't trust. I almost lost it when I saw the state you were in that night. If she does anything else to hurt you," Sunny frowned and gripped your hand tighter than you'd like, making you wince.

"Ow!" You pulled your hand away and he apologized.

"Sorry! Sorry, gosh, I'm so sorry!" He whined.

"It's alright, I know you didn't mean to. Well, I'm going to get going now! Wish me luck-" You turned for the door just to get spun back around by your wrist.


"Y-yeah?" You gulped; your wrist still bound by Moon's fingers.

"It's no secret we care for you...deeply," He started. Your heart fluttered hearing him say that, wishing you had the courage to admit the same, "and because of that...I'm scared," he blurted, eyes darting to the floor.

"You? Moon? Scared? Damn, if you're scared then I'm fucking terrified." You laughed, making light of the uncomfortable tension to Moon's confession.

"(Y/N), I'm scared that if something else happens to you, I won't be able to control myself." he looked into your eyes sincerely and your mind went blank.

"Control...yourself?" You pried.

"Sunbeam, our code allows us to use force and commit violent acts to an extent," Sunny walked out from behind Moon and leaned down slightly.

"Okay? Violent to an extent- that would explain the choking and almost killing me. But if the code only allows you to get violent to an extent, how did you...y'know," You motioned with your fingers across your throat as if showing the slicing of one's head. They exchanged confused looks before returning to your figure.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now