Pulling at Your Heartstrings.

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Today was your last day off!

Meaning tomorrow, you go back to work.

You were still debating on how to handle the whole 'Vanessa trapping you in a room to die and get assaulted by a coworker' situation, not really sure how to approach something like that.

It had been a couple of days since then, though, and no cops had come to your front door since. That means even though he deserved to be left for dead, odds are he's probably still alive.

Trying to juggle avoiding a situation and how to deal with it at the same time was a stressful task; especially since you were nearing a very obnoxious and difficult deadline. That deadline being at work...with Vanessa.

"So, next time we go shopping for the groceries, can we buy a puppy?" Sunny asked you as he lay on the bathroom floor and watched you change your bandages.

"They don't sell puppies at the grocery store," you said patiently. You began to get frustrated with yourself; the bandages AREN'T BANDAGING. You tried once more, unraveling and slowly pulling the fabric around your topless torso.

"Then?! Is there a store that sells puppies, or do you just have to go and make one?" Sunny flipped over on his back and slid around the floor like a worm.

"Yes, it's called a pet store. You can also adopt one or...just find one, I guess. Just depends-"

"Or you could steal one."

"No, we aren't stealing people's dogs, Moon. Don't give him any ideas." You silenced Moon with a finger and grumbled at, yet again, another failed attempt at wrapping yourself properly.

"Need some help, Sunbeam?" Sunny popped into your peripherals and held out his hands expectantly. You nodded and let him have at it. You watched as he did the same thing you had done- just correctly.

"There! All done!" He beamed.

"I just did that- why the fuck does it only work when you do it?!"


"Language? What was it you called me the other day, again?" Moon tapped his chin, pretending to think.

"W-what do you mean? I never called you any- oh..." Sunny looked at the ground and pouted.

"Oh! That's right, a pussy. Is pussy not a bad word? Pussy...pu-"

You slapped your hand over Moon's mouth and told him to cut it out.

"I'm so sorry for getting onto you when I myself am the most guilty! I cannot believe I let my emotions get the best of me like that, I truly am sorry," Sunny apologized dramatically, and you looked at him quizzically.

"Sunny, you can talk however you'd like. We're all adults, there's no kids here." You assured. You forgot you were holding your hand over Moon's mouth, the feeling of a warm and wet appendage making contact with your palm.

"EW, MOON?! WHAT THE FUCK?!" You jerked your hand away and wiped his saliva on your pants leg.

"LANGU-...." Sunny stopped himself before he could finish the word, grinning mischievously "YEAH, MOON! WHAT THE FUCK!" He giggled uncontrollably and repeated the word over and over.

"Okay, okay, that's enough. You, stop licking me and you, stop saying fuck," you pulled your shirt over your head and Moon helped you the rest of the way, pulling it down until it rested on your figure accordingly "Thank you," you lowered your arms and accidentally knocked over a cup of water. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry. Let me get you another one-"

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now