Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells.

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"Hi, welcome to my house that I have no idea how you got the address to," You said monotonal. Vanessa brushed passed you and stepped inside. "Sure, come on in. That's fine and totally not invasive."

She ignored your words and looked around, "Wow, nice place you got. Very unique and...you," she said as if it pained her to speak.

You blinked twice.

"Did you have something to give me?" You pried.

"Oh, yeah. Here, almost forgot. Was just so distracted by your interesting taste in decor that it totally slipped my mind I came here to actually give you something and not to feel worse for you than I already do," She smiled and placed a manilla folder and a bag in your hands. You looked at her expectingly. "That's something from the Chief, I have no idea what it is. And the bag is from me."

"Oh, thank you for," You reached inside the bag and pulled out a cat toy and some cold medicine "These."

"You're so welcome, (Y/N)," She nodded and looked around your house some more before her eyes landed on the state of your living room. "Oh god, did your cat do this??? What HAPPENED?! You said you got a cat, not a damn lion." She walked further into your home, making you a bit apprehensive. You completely forgot Moon was in the bedroom right now as you spoke with Vanessa. You were going to do everything you could to make sure she didn't see him. You quickly averted her attention from your busted couch and attempted to herd her towards the door.

"Thank you for the medicine, Vanessa, but you didn't have to get me anything. Really. You shouldn't have," Your eye twitched when she avoided your figure and kept looking at everything in your living room. She halted when her shoe was met with a crunch, stepping on something metal. You looked side to side pensively as she bent over and picked it up. She held up a crushed rusted bell, rolling it between her thumb and forefinger.

"Hm. You really shouldn't give your new pets anything with rust on it, (Y/N). It could make them sick...or far worse, die. Has your cat gotten all its proper vaccines?" She placed the bell in your palm. Your eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Why is this bitch so interested in my cat that I don't even have?

"Yes. Of course, he does. What kind of owner would I be if I didn't take care of my pet properly," You closed your fingers around the bell and shoved it into your pocket, eyes never leaving Vanessa. She frowned at your willingness to respond to her so sarcastically.

Entitled hoe mind your own business and get out of my house before something happens to you.

You suppressed a laugh at your own thoughts of Vanessa suddenly going missing. Killing Vanessa would be a stretch, though. You don't exactly hate her enough to do something as morbid as killing her, she was just annoying. Pretending to be your friend while being overly nice and then attempting to blackmail you? And while that should be the end of that list, it's not. Here she stood in the middle of your house, unannounced, interrogating you.

"Are you done snooping, or can you leave so I can continue being sick. By myself." You blurted. She nodded and held her wrist behind her back.

"You're right, I'm sorry for intruding on you like this. Was just worried for you being in this big house all alone. I bet it gets lonely. Ever considered getting a roommate to keep you company?-"

"No. I hate people and I don't need a roommate. I enjoy being alone. Thanks for the medicine, but I think it's time for you to leave," Your already thin patience was rapidly decreasing, causing your tone and words to come out a lot harsher than you intended them to. Vanessa made her way to the front door and adjusted her hat atop her head.

"Alright then. It was good to see you, (Y/N). I hope your cat-"



"I thought you said you lived alone?" She looked at you suspiciously. You panicked.

Damnit Moon you seriously couldn't just sit there and not give this crazy bitch another reason to bug me?

As much as you wanted to blame your imaginary cat for the fiftieth time, it would've been hard to convince Vanessa the footsteps proceeding the sound was also the cat.

"Not that it's any of your business, but my boyfriend is also here. And you're interrupting." You brang to light that she had officially outstayed her welcome. Her eyes widened and she finally apologized and left.

You locked the door behind her and shut your blinds as well. Not more than a second later, Moon stalked out from behind the hallway's wall.

"Are you serious right now, Moon?! We could've gotten caught! What were you thinking?!" You whisper yelled just in case Vanessa was somehow still in ear shot. You peeked through the blinds and exhaled a breath as you watched her car pull out of your driveway and leave.

"What's this, starlight? Are you raising your voice at your boyfriend or your," he retrieved the toy from the bag and dangled it playfully "new cat?" the corners of his lips curled upwards into a tight sinister smirk. A blush crept across your face.

You scoffed and snatched the toy from him.

"Shut up, I had to lie to her. She's been...awfully nosy and I can't risk someone finding out about you guys." You frowned and fiddled with the toy in your hands.

"I was wondering. It didn't exactly sound like you wanted her to stay for tea," He propped his elbows on the counter and leaned into them.

"Yeah Sunshine. I know a meanie when I hear one. She's bad news,"

"Sunny! I didn't know you were here, too!" You beamed as you noticed their heterochromia eyes.

"I couldn't resist being away from you for too long- or, I mean...I came to um...check on things?"

You tossed the cat toy in the air and Moon caught it swiftly.

"Everything is fine. Moon has been very cooperative, no need to worry." You assured.

Sunny smiled at your words, "Oh, how wonderful!! Ah! I can see we are close to finishing with the cleaning, yes? I-I was actually going to ask you about something, (Y/N)..."

You snarled at the thought of Vanessa belittling you in your own home. She was right, though. Maybe you needed to go furniture shopping this weekend as well. Sunny's voice ripped  you from your thoughts.

"What were you saying, Sunny?"

He nervously fidgeted with the bells on his wrist. The muted jingle caught your attention. You stared at the for a moment before reaching into your pocket and pulling out the bell from earlier. You thought about Vanessa and how she looked at the bell...as if it was significant in some way. It was probably nothing, but she always made everything so damn sus. You grabbed Sunny's hand while he was rambling and compared the bells. You were right. They're the same.


You didn't have a good feeling about this.

1179 Words

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now