Jealous? ʕಠᴥಠʔ

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The following morning started off as usual. I woke up, got dressed, pretended coffee was a sustainable meal choice, then was on my way to work. When I arrived, the sanctuary seemed more lively than usual. A couple of news broadcasters blocked my way to get into the building. They were talking to the chief.

I wonder what they're here for. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

I scanned my eyes over the heads of everyone seated in their cubicles. No Vanessa. Great. This fact made me smile. My day just kept getting better and better. I grabbed my favorite pastry from the lounge and sat down in my office.

"Knock, Knock," The chief was standing in your doorway with a wide smile.

"Good morning Chief. What's all the fuss about?" You referred to the press. This made her smile even more, walking towards your desk.

"Oh, nothing. Just someone from our team casually caught the culprit that's been doing all those murders at that burnt-down building!" She tossed a copy of the latest newspaper on your desk. It read exactly as she had stated. The killer had been caught. You started to smile as well, "Wow! That's really great, Chief. Are they going to get a promotion?" You asked, handing her back the paper.

"Nah, no promotion. We are just going to hold a little celebration at that one restaurant tonight. You should come!"

This, you didn't like. I mean, free food, yes. But a social event with all of your coworkers? No. Your team mostly consisted of middle-aged men whose socialness extended to that of a pigeon. All they talked about was sports, girls, or their job. Which none of them did correctly half the time. You shook your head, "I don't know about that,"

Claire knew you didn't like going to group parties or events, and she respected your boundaries. But it seemed this one was important to her.

"(Y/N)...Please? I'll be lonely with all of that unfiltered testosterone. And I have to pretend I know what they're talking about when they shit talk their wives. Please?" She practically begged. You laughed at her state and held up your hands in surrender.

"Fine. I'll go. Only until I get my food, then I'm leaving," You reminded. She pumped her fists triumphantly and game you two thumbs up on the way out.

"You're the best!"

"I know, I know,"

And that's the story on how you got here. You had returned home to change and look more presentable for the dinner, but after realizing everyone will probably still be in their uniforms, there's no point. So you decided to chill at home until it was time to go.

"Sunshine! I knew I heard you come in!! I-I have finished putting up all the tiny stars, won't you come see??" Sun came barreling towards you, hopping with every step. You set your things down and hugged his abdomen as he stopped in front of you.

"Sunny, hi, I would love to, but I have this work-dinner-thing to go to in a couple minutes. I don't want to be late," You pulled away from him and he hugged you back, pulling you back in.

"Work-dinner-thing?? U-um...A-and are there boys at this work-dinner-thing?"

You lifted your head and looked up at him, "Yes. There will be boys, why? Sun, are you getting a little bit jealous?" you smirked evilly. He pushed you off gently and crossed his arms over his chest.

"NO! I mean, no. I am not jealous. I am just worried for your safety, is all,"

You smiled at his caring nature and placed a reassuring hand on his forearm, "Sunny...I'm a cop. I'd be worried about Vanessa before any of those donut-built fuckers," You giggled and sunny hushed you for your language. Your reassurance seemed to work, but what you didn't know is Sunny HAS been worried about Vanessa. The last time you'd seen her she was pushing her way into your home and prying into your private life a little too much for the boys' liking. Never mind her, though. Right now, what was important is looking at the stars Sunny put up. You followed him into their room and looked at the ceiling. Indeed, he had hung up all the stars, but he has also cut some of his own and hung them by a string. Sparkly stars and drawings of you and the boys littered around the room. You were impressed with how much was done based on how little you gave them to work with.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now