Strangling Seems Too Nice.

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Moon grabbed your waving hand and pulled you into him, slamming the door behind you. You kept an arm around your side, applying constant pressure to your hidden laceration.

"Thank you. I wasn't sure if I could get back up after that-"

"It's 4 a.m, (Y/N)," He interrupted harshly.

"...w-well, yes, but I had a good reason for being out I-"

He cut you off once more, looking you up and down, "I thought you knew I was joking when I said you should kill that guy," He smirked. You stayed quiet, knowing very well that could actually be the case here. You swallowed hard and looked away from his eyes. He took note and examined you more thoroughly due to your nervous nature. "Starlight...this IS someone else's blood, right?" He reached for the arm clutching your abdomen and you backed away.

"I-I just got caught up with work, is all," You tried to shove past him, stumbling slightly. He moved to block your path, and you looked up at him, frustrated. "There's no need to be worried, I'm just tired," You smiled weakly "So please, get out of my way."

"I have every fucking right to be worried, (Y/N). Especially if this blood is yours!" He grabbed your wrists and spotted the first cut, smirk morphing into a serious frown.

"Moon..." you started.

"What...happened?" His grip tightened around your bound wrists. His face said a million gruesome thoughts were running through his mind on what to do to whoever was responsible for doing this to you.

"W-well," You debated on just telling him the truth. Which was Vanessa called you with a very obvious trap and you easily fell for it, resulting in someone dead and you: heavily injured.

...Maybe I shouldn't tell him.

"Fine," He spoke, perking your interests "Medical care now, explanations later. Deal?"

You nodded slowly. You felt like a child being scolded for sneaking out of the house than rather an injured adult being interrogated by a moon shaped animatronic.

"Where's your first aid?"

"It's...under my...bathroom sink," You slurred. Your body's pent-up exhaustion was just now hitting you as you let your guard down. Your eyes started to feel heavy.

"Hey." Moon grabbed your head, tilting it side to side. "Are you alright?"

You pushed him away softly and swatted is hands off, "I'm fine, just...tired,"

"Fuck," He looked around the room frantically before an idea popped into his head "Starlight?"

"Yes?" You smiled weakly and leaned into him for support.

"Can I...try something?"

"Does this something involve, I don't know, stopping the bleeding before I pass out, or,"

"Yes. Sunny and I can give you full medical attention, but I'm going to need you to take your clothes off."

"Alright, cool, yes. You and Sunny will give me full medical attention...with my clothes what now?" You shook your head; you must've misheard him.

"Your clothes need to come off so we can access your wounds and dress them properly. You can keep your undergarments on if it makes you feel better,"

Though moon was usually flirtatious, this time around he seemed serious. You noticed his face riddled with worry and a sternness you'd never seen before. Your heart started to freak out, it's sudden quickening pace giving you the adrenaline you needed to stay awake. You nodded reluctantly, aware there wasn't many other options...other than going to the hospital, which was two hours away, or attempting to do it yourself. Neither sounded as convenient.

𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑶𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒏 (Sundrop/Moondrop X GN! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now