26. Blue and Gold

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Y/N's POV:

For a place with such vast amounts of technological advancements, would it really kill them to install an elevator from time to time? I huffed to myself, finally dragging my feet up onto the seven-thousandth step in the past hour. One hand firmly planted against the wall, while the other stayed tightly wrapped around my side. The corridor rocked and spun slightly as I tried to keep my body vertical. All I could think was how I must keep going, must find help. Gritting my teeth I attempted an unsteady shuffle forward, head hanging from my shoulders aimlessly. As another scratchy breath of air made its way through my throat, causing me to subconsciously tighten my grip over the still blooding wound, which has potentially left a messy trail behind me.

"You there, stop!" I couldn't help but let out a dying laugh, because while the sharp voice had caught me off guard, I was hardly giving chase; fully dependent on the wall beside me at this point. "I demand you state who you are." Two feet stopped before me along with a golden pole. Barely able to conjure enough energy to respond I slumped back against the wall instead; looking up at the person before me. "You've made quite the mess of the palace tiles. Who are you?" The rather large, burly women repeated. Her expression was flat, boarding emotionless just like her voice, despite the obvious sarcasm. Maybe if she stopped spinning with the room then I'd be able to make her out better, although it almost looked like she had some symbolic white paint across her face though. "Oh for God's sake could you stop drooling, it's disgusting." she quipped, before grabbing my arm and dragging my body off down the hall. I didn't even bother to put up a fight.

"You don't happen to have a first aid kit on you, do you?" I hissed, struggling to walk at her pace; painfully aware of the increasing damage being inflicted down to my side. The Henchwoman grunted, almost with amusement as she heaved open a set of stone double doors.

"I thought I already told you I didn't want any interruptions!" a man's voice roared across the room in more of a whinge than anything with even a grain of authority. Yet the woman didn't even respond, just dropped my body to the floor and continued strutting towards where the voice had come from. "What is that?" the man's shrill voice spoke again; only now it was filled with disgust.

"A woman." the burly women spat bluntly, only to be followed with a short span of silence. If these were the people in charge of this trash covered planet, then Lord help me now.

"Yes I can see that, but why have you brought her covered in all this muck?" he questioned as if expecting an answer, but began swiftly speaking again before he was given one "Oh wait, I see it now. Once she's all cleaned up, she'll be added to my... collection." his voice trailing off at the end. A fleeting shiver traced my spine and I can't tell if it's from what I've just heard or the fever is fully taking over. "You know what, I think I'll take a closer look." the man's voice slowly floating closer to me, shortly joined by the touch of that golden pole under my chin; yanking my head up.

The man in question was draped in cheap gold material, his grey hair pushed back, with blue paint outlining his eyes and a strip painted from his lip across his chin. His smile was wide as he took in my tattered appearance. Yep, I'm screwed.

"You know what, if we take away all of this..." he raised a hand and gestured over my entire person with a flourish "... then I'd say you've outdone yourself with this one." I snorted, with a roll of my eyes causing the man's smile to only widen even more. "Bring my special friend in here, I want him to take a look at this one. You never know we might've found one he actually likes." The man waved his hand at the Henchwoman, quickly followed by a patronising click of his fingers, which I now realise are also painted blue.

As the silence consumed the room, now awaiting this "special friend" I traced my fingers across my leg; knowing all too well I was unable to run. Perhaps if I was patient , then I could allow these very strange people to clean me up, maybe even gain a lil trust without having to act out too many horrifying fantasies this guy has and then make my escape. Soon enough synchronised footsteps echoed behind me as the woman returned, with who I assume is the "special friend". I kept my head down and tried to focus on my breathing, the cloth I had originally used to slow the bleeding was now soaking and useless. Blood seeping between my fingers.

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