12. With Power comes Regret

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Loki's POV:

Invisible to the wandering human eye, watching on as doctors and scientists all ran about attaching numerous wires to the still body in front of me. Subconsciously running my fingers down the smooth, cold frame; it made my eyes light up as I felt that surge of power flood back through my body. Oh how I missed this contact, it felt like centuries had passed. Heart beating seconds faster, knowing I would never have to part again. They will all kneel out our feet.

Each wire had been connected to a strange array of machines, scanning for faults and life. I just prayed that all their tests had not taken anything away from the magic that once flowed so beautifully free. I smirked darkly to myself at what was to come. The Avengers were going to pay the price for what they had done to me and my only love. Gently wrapping my hands round the frigid body I lifted it close to my chest.

The once electric blue orb was now dimly glowing but resonated slightly at my touch, I sighed with content now that I had back what was rightfully mine. Now the next problem was if I risk losing my sceptre again just to get back Y/N?

I had seen all life leave her body as Stark dangled the necklace just from her reach; only to be carted off to somewhere deep in the tower for my analysing. My head swam, telling me I didn't need her but somewhere, something deep inside me disagreed. Rolling my eyes with a grunt and clutching my weapon in my hands I turned to leave. Taking the key to the throne and deciding to continue the path towards my birth right; along with everything I had ever desired. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath I knew I had to walk away before I lost everything again. Before I allowed that little voice to distract me any further.


Standing atop the Avenger Tower, the spectre grasped in my hand; knowing soon I had everything I'd ever dreamed of there was that twinge again. I wasn't happy. Why wasn't I happy? I was about to bring a world to its knees. Become the rightful King I was meant to be and yet I still felt empty.

My brain had been right but I'd forgotten that a King, a truly respected King, needed his Queen. She wasn't here. No longer standing by my side, taunting everything I did; holding my hand, with her beautifully encouraging smile. I had selfishly left Y/N for an object that had been gifted to control me. I am a fool. She was the opportunity of a lifetime and I threw her away as if she were nothing. She was everything.

The building shook abruptly, as screams ripped through the walls, crouching to keep my balance as I hung my head in shame. And now... She was awake.

I allowed them to hurt her. I allowed them to almost kill her, all because she had magic, something she couldn't be without. I left her tied to a bed with wires flowing from her drugged, unconscious body. I stood there and watched. Watched when I knew they would brainwash her into coming after me. Eventually she'd say my name, if not awake then in her sleep. No, she wouldn't do that. Wouldn't give me up. She loved me.

She loved me and I left her for something that I felt I no longer deserved. Something that no longer had my best interest at heart. When she did, she always did. I was stupid. Stupid and addicted to power and control. Glaring at my staff I exhaled heavily, this was a mistake. I need to go and find her.

Cautiously I regained my posture and shook my head as I exhaled in anticipation; knowing the end was closing in sharply. "Monster." Her voice was sharp, cruel; I deserved it. Reluctantly I brought myself to come face to face with Y/N, who had features of stone, emotionless and so dissimilar to the ray of light she had been.

The wind howled around us, pushing her rugged cape to the side as it hung in the bitter air. The mask sealed most of her humanity along with any hint of emotion; her hood pressed against her jaw, concealing her hair; besides a few loose strands that fluttered around her face. With her feet firmly planted in the ground and her body rigid with resentment, her hands hovered over her weapons. It struck me with a fear I had never felt before and I was at the very root of all this.

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