5. Day of Reckoning

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Y/N's POV:




"CUT IT OUT!" I turned to look across the room at one of the other cells, a being stood, arm resting against the shield, glaring at me. Slowly raising my arm without breaking eye contact I threw the ball against the wall again. As it landed back in my palm, I grinned ear to ear; watching as the beings' brows drew closer, snarling at me. "Why you..."

"Ah, ah, ah... That's no way to speak to a Lady." I wagged my finger tutting the creature, which caused them to start shaking with aggression. They're casual stance going rigid and bringing their fists down with a slam.

"Why you... I'm going to..."

"What!?" I stood, nose almost pressed against the shield. "What are you going to do from there!" I raised my finger gesturing to the distance between us, pointing out their stupidity. The creature started to stutter, they're strong exterior crumbling a lot quicker than I expected. Other prisoners erupted into laughter at the creature's failed intimidation attempt. Even a small chuckle came from Loki's direction. Some of the beings' cell mates had started elbowing them and pushing them about, clearly amused by the situation. Glancing up at Loki I noticed the proud smirk on his face, once again head stuck in some book. Everything had gone back to normal a couple of hours after the whole escapee situation. If not a tad more dull. Turning from the shield I walked over to the back wall, kicking my boots off and throwing the ball between my hands.

The prisoners who had been laughing and joking merely seconds ago, dropped to a deathly silence. You could hear a pin drop in the room. Checking back over my shoulder I noticed a palace guard had walked in. His very presence making the creatures retract back into the shadows of they're cells. Rolling my eyes I slid down the wall, watching the guard pause in front of Loki's cell. He walked up the few stairs, as I crossed my legs, drawing one knee up to my chest. It wasn't common for a palace guard to make an appearance down here. The guard stopped, removing his helmet. Loki hadn't even acknowledged him yet, he was still much more invested in his book. That was until Loki lifted his head ever so slightly, slowly turning to listen to the guard. Yet with everything done in hushed tones I couldn't hear what he was saying.

Taking a moment to survey the rest of the prison I realised there were two other palace guards standing in the doorway. Cocking my head to the side slightly I brought my eyes back to Loki, who was just nodding to the guard in dismissal. The guards left abruptly, closing the prison doors behind them.

I couldn't help but pout my lips in confusion; rolling the ball around in my hand. Letting out a heavy sigh, I returned my attention back to Loki, who had shut his book and was now standing facing the back wall. His demeanour had shifted significantly as his shoulders hunched over and his fists clenched shut. Out of nowhere furniture flew across his cell, colliding with the shield and walls as the lights throughout the entire prison flickered, some of which even sparked and popped. Using my arm I shielded my face from the flashing lights. Only pulling it away when I heard crashing and yelling. The prisoner hall had been plunged into darkness, but the cells were still lit. Peering through my lashes I quickly realised what the commotion was. Loki had a hold of one of the chair legs and was pounding the walls, leaving a variety of scuff marks and scratches. Splinters flew from the carved wood, as things hit the floor. His leather jacket had been shed somewhere as he turned in circles panting and screaming in a gut wrenching pain.

Before I even knew it I was scrambling to my feet, ball flying from my hand as I gripped my necklace tightly. Not even bothering to check for guards I sprinted towards my shield, jumping and landing with a thud in the hallway. Tripping over my own feet as I threw myself up the steps. I began calling out for Loki but he couldn't hear me. Pushing through the golden barrier into his cell I dodged a flying bowl of fruit; crushing berries as I went. Swiftly tip-toeing around the disarray on the floor. Ducking under the furniture still being hurled around the room. Just as I got closer to Loki, he twisted around. Ruined book gripped in hand and suspended over his head, ready to launch. Immediately halting when he saw me. His lip began to quiver and his body trembled. I stepped closer, holding my arms out to him. He didn't move, only stared at me but once I put my arms around his neck I heard the book fall to the floor. Loki's arms dropped to his sides before gripping my waist tightly. His weight forcing us to the floor as he sobbed into my shoulder. I held him as his body shook, his tears soaking my shoulder. His breathing getting more and more laboured as he struggled to gasp in air.

I struggled for air. Barely breathing. The room was charred. Black. Only just holding itself together. Tears burning my cheeks. Everything was gone. Everything but a crumpled picture. The only thing that survived. The air. It was damp. Why? Why me? It was all gone. Nowhere to go. No one to help. I can't move. Body shaking. Legs giving out. Splinters piercing skin. I can't do it. Can't leave. She'll find me. She'll kill me. She'll... She's... She's gone.

"She's gone." I blinked, my body jerking slightly. "She can't be gone" Loki mumbled again.

"Wha... What?" I cleared my throat, "Loki?" I pulled back slightly to look at him. His eye's red and puffy. Face rather blotchy. His shoulders were slumped forward as my hands rested on them; holding him up. "Loki, what happened?" I whispered using my thumb to swipe the tears from his cheek. Loki grabbed my hand, pulling it away from his face as he slowly rose from the floor. I stayed kneeling; not sure what to do. Watching him as he began pacing, head in his hands. Dropping my eyes, I started picking at my nails, not wanting to leave him here alone but unsure what I should be doing. In the corner of my eye I noticed his shoes, amongst some smashed glass. Having been tossed along with everything else in the moment.

"That...That thing. It killed her." Loki spat under his breath. "It killed my... my mother." I gasped as Loki stopped. Lifting his head suddenly "It's my fault." he whispered "It's all my fault..." Loki roared as he hurled his fist into the wall. Knuckles cracking on impact. Leaping to my feet, I grabbed Loki's arm before he could punch the wall again. Turning him round, his legs giving way. Sliding down the wall, hands running through his hair. "I killed my mother," he murmured. I closed my eyes exhaling, before sitting down next to him; back against the wall.

"You didn't kill your mother Loki," I breathed keeping my eyes ahead. "That thing did."

"I told him where to go." Loki mumbled, "I helped him find her."

"No Loki." I turned to face him but he kept his gaze down. "You didn't know she'd be there." I paused for a moment, thinking over my words. "I don't think she was his target, he didn't seem bothered by you." he scoffed, still avoiding eye contact. "No, I didn't mean it like that. It's just... Well you know" I sunk back against the wall. "I'm sorry."

"They didn't even let me go to her funeral. They didn't even tell me. A palace guard told me. Not even Thor came." He sighed, tears rolling slowly down his cheek again. That's when I noticed all the guards had gone. Why I hadn't been caught. Everyone was at the funeral. Everyone but Loki. I reached my arm out, gingerly taking his hand. For a moment I thought he was going to push me away. Instead he interlocked my fingers and held my hand tighter. Leaning into me more. We sat like that for a moment. In silence.

Resting my head on Loki's shoulder, I felt his head gently lie on mine. I started to think about my plan. How I was going to escape merely days after I arrived, but now. Now I'm still here, after a handful of weeks. Then I realised. Why was I trying to escape? There was nothing out there for me. Nobody waiting for me. "Loki?" he hummed in response. "Do you want to run away with me?" I queried. Loki didn't respond for a moment "Um, forget it. It was just a stupid idea anyway." I back tracked, but I felt Loki lift his head, turning to look at me.

"You want to leave?" he asked. I nodded, moving to rest up on my knees, taking both his hands.

"Why wouldn't you?" I fired back at him, my voice low. He thought about it for a moment, clearly hesitant. "What have you got to lose?" I pointed out "Look who put you here!" I gestured around us, his eyes following my hand till they dropped down to the ground.

"Y/N I killed people" he started but before he could spiral I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at me.

"Who hasn't at this point." I shrugged my shoulders, giving him a cheeky smirk.

"Y/N" Loki shook his head.

"Please, Loki." I whispered looking up at him through my lashes. "There's so much more to life than this prison cell. I'm not leaving you here alone to wallow in self pity." I sighed, almost giving up. "I know what you're going through and I know it's not easy. But it doesn't get any easier by just staying here." I bowed my head, loosening my grip on his hands. Getting ready to stand and take my leave. Till Loki's fingers gripped my wrists, keeping me next to him.

"Are you always this stubborn?" he teased, giving me a small smile. There was sadness in his eyes still but deep down I could feel his determination; a reborn mischief. 

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