11. Purple Haze

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Y/N's POV:

It felt like an earthquake was going off inside my head, groaning in pain as I attempted to slowly open my eyes. The harsh white light sent further painful aftershocks rattling through my head. Planting my hands firmly on what could only be the floor, begrudgingly attempting to lift my body upright to take in my new surroundings. Regretting it instantly as my head spun more, failing to register anything in the room as my vision blurred; frantically trying to blink the cloudy haze away.

Voices echoed somewhere nearby causing me to flinch, groaning again from the sudden jolt and thundering that started up in my head again. Squeezing my eyes shut, I realised that the muttering was getting louder. Rolling my body across the floor, somehow managing to get my protesting body to slump against one of the sterile walls.

"I wouldn't recommend jostling around so much, the drugs haven't fully worn off yet." The man's voice came from beside me, making me jump and shuffle away, despite his words. Grumbling under my breath that they had put more unwelcomed drugs into my body; probably so they could run experiments on me. Disgusting.

The heavy fall of footsteps seemed to approach from somewhere outside of wherever I was being held currently. "Soon you will be taken for questioning and..." the man started speaking but I cut him off with a bitter laugh. It always came back to question. Question this, question that. So many questions and so very little answers available. So far these people didn't seem overly threatening. The sound of gas being released made my ears prick up, refusing to open my eyes still. The familiar heavy foot fall came closer, realising the sound must have been my prison door.

"We're ready for her now, Dr Banner." It was the sandy haired man from before. I snorted to myself. Peeling one eye open to squint up at the two men looming above me.

"Some kind of Doctor you ar- What the Hell are you wearing? Are we going to a sad little costume party?" Both men stared down at you, the so-called Dr dressed in a traditional white lab coat, but the man from before... Was he dressed in a spandex suit made from the American flag? This is insane. Must still be high on whatever drug they've dosed me with.

Welp I've had enough now anyway.

Using the wall for support I pushed my body up onto my wobbling Bambi legs. Noticing that the cell was indeed rather high-tech and secure, but luckily for me they had stupidly left the door open. Stretching out my spine with a subtle click I gave both gentlemen a sweet smile, knowing that nothing could stop me from walking straight out of here when I had...

When I had... It's gone. They've taken it! Those slimy ba... They've taken my necklace!

Suddenly my breathing hitches, quickening drastically. Heart beating at an unhealthy rate as I frantically press my hands to my chest. Searching for the cold touch of the necklace under my clothes. My skin felt hot as my eyes burned. I growled, pushing my body off the wall; half throwing and half stumbling towards the idiot, who brought me here. With very little effort he wrapped an arm around my waist, slinging me over his shoulder. Once again being helplessly carried off as my body thrashed against his grip. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I begged for any amount of strength to return to my limbs. The salty water only brings a small amount of moisture back to my dry lips, wetting my mouth slightly. My throat only allowing a choked stream of profanity, but nothing overly coherent.

I was half tempted to call for Loki amongst my plea's but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that would only make the situation worse. After all he is very much the reason I had been chased, drugged and brought here. I should have just skipped bringing us back to New York. He did try to destroy this part of the world after all, with varying degrees of success from what I've read.

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