10. Man out of Time

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Y/N's POV:

Tucking the tracker back into my coat pocket, exhaling a tired, frustrated huff. Eyeing the man carefully in front of me; he didn't look like much, just a buff gym rat. Pulling the collar of the coat up against my neck and taking a subtle glance around it seemed no one else was going to make a surprise appearance. The park was still empty.

"You must have scared him off, he tends to be more on the introverted side. Not a fan of strangers you see." I smirked, folding my arms across my chest, keeping my eyes ahead but my ears on high alert. The man took a slow step forward, closing the gap between us more.

"So he just leaves you here then, with a stranger? Sounds like you need a new boyfriend." His voice was strong and unwavering, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Why? Are you offering, Handsome?" I quipped, making him stiffen slightly. Interestingly, he was uncomfortable with casual flirting but not entirely unexpected. Daring to take my own step forward, now intrigued by the man. "What do you want? My number?" a smile creeping across my face as the blonde haired man eyed you again.

"How long have you known Loki?" replying only with a tutt of disappointment, at least he was persistent with his motives; that deserved a smidge of credit at least. Shrugging, while turning away from him another sigh escaped from my lips. Retucking hands into my coat pockets and making a move to leave. "Miss? We aren't done." his voice stayed polite, clearly hoping this would lead him to getting his reply. Glancing back over my shoulder, I offered a sweet smile and continued walking. Loki would just have to catch up, and answer for this later.

A hand swiftly landed on my wrist, causing me to abruptly stop. Flicking my eyes down to see that the man had decided he wasn't going to let me go so quickly. With a breathy laugh deciding to look up at the man through thick eyelashes. "It's not nice to lay your hands on a Lady without permission." sighing again, before bringing the other hand across, knife clutched in my fingers, plunging it into the man's abdomen. His grip on the arm loosened for a fraction allowing you to kick his feet from under him and start running.

The sound of heeled shoes echoing down the path, breathing raged as eyes scanned for somewhere to hide. Suddenly a blow came from behind, cracking against your right shoulder blade. Knocking me off balance, quickly I reached a hand round to cradle the damaged shoulder; continuing to run as best as physically possible. There wasn't time to see what he had tossed at me, just that it had been metal.

Leaning against a dirtied brick wall it took a moment to get my breathing back to normal. A shadow crept up my legs as the sun settled over my head. Smirking up at the man, I tucked a hand in the top of my coat, wrapping my fingers around another hidden blade. Lunging forward, this time only managing to graze the top of his shoulder, the white cotton slowly turning red as it soaked up the blood. This time, however, I wasn't expecting him to fight back. A fist rushed towards me, with only seconds to duck and roll out the way. That sort of speed couldn't possibly be human, not originally anyway.

Another fist came towards my stomach, this time connecting harshly with my gut. I heaved slightly, wobbling on my legs and clutching my stomach. Gritting my teeth I conjured up flames and sent them flying towards him. His eyes went wide before throwing himself behind a fence. Smirking, I beggan hobbling towards him, ready to attack again. Peering over the fence, my eyes darting around, he's gone.

Just as I turned round I saw something flying towards me, too late to dodge. I could feel my body falling, feel it bounce slightly as it hit the concrete. My head was pounding and the figure walking towards me was blurred. There was a sharp pain in my neck as a distorted voice came from above.

"Sorry Miss, looks like you'll be coming with me." I felt something wrap around what I think is my waist, before I started levitating above the ground. My head spinning as I tried to focus on something, attempting to use my powers, but my body wouldn't move. "Oh and sorry for man-handling you again. It's just you won't be able to walk for a couple hours." he mumbled, almost attempting sarcasm; something his voice didn't seem to lean into very well.

As eyelids began to fall heavy I could just make out a tall, shadowy figure re-emerging from the direction you had run from. Rising a hand and offering a small wave. Loki!

Loki's POV:

Watching Y/N's body being carted off by the man out of time was amusing, she really had surprised me. The quick witted comebacks, the swift attacks and picking good moments to run. Yet what shocked me more was that she let her guard down. Perhaps she had planned for this, knew what she wanted from the man out of time. I had some doubt however that her knowledge didn't quite spread far enough to understand who exactly she had been dealing with.

Only now I was left with one question. The question of whether or not to go after her.

She was indeed beautiful and we shared some childhood similarities, insecurities. perhaps even more than that. Had openly been vulnerable with me on multiple occasions. Even kissed me. She had kissed me. I couldn't deny the fact she had left more of an impact on my cold, frost giant heart than I planned. She was intoxicating; maybe too intoxicating. Was I seriously willing to risk my own freedom and well being for her?

She said it herself, she was an assassin. A being who is typically not very trustworthy. How do I know she wasn't going to turn on me? That actually she brought me to New York to hand me over? Okay, so, who am I meant to trust? The short answer is no-one. She should have known that already. Yet she trusted me too easily, spilled her heart to me when only gently prompted. This is why you don't start having feelings for people; you only end up in the hands of someone else. Or just revealing too much about yourself. Stuff like that can be used, manipulated.

Why did she make it so difficult? Difficult to just walk away from all of this.

As I started to head down the street again, I allowed my mind to wander. Thinking over what to do with my puzzle of a situation. I suppose it was time to come up with a new plan. Break into the tower, get back what is rightfully mine and once again enjoy my freedom with what my heart truly desired...

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