27. The GrandMaster's VIP

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Y/N's POV:

"Loki, what are you talking about! Who is Thor fighting? Wait, no. Why is he even fighting anyone, this is ridiculous! We should be trying to get back to Asgard right now..." my tone hushed but frustrated as I clutched Loki's arm tightly as he led us through a series of hallways; the GrandMasters voice screeching through a tannoy over-head. Loki glanced down at me, offering a half-hearted smile; a mere attempt at reassuring me of this seemingly pointless escapade.

"It's in our best interest to please the GrandMaster at the moment, because unfortunately he's our only way off this planet right now. He's kindly given us VIP access to view the tournament, therefore it would be rude to decline him anything more than we already have." Loki placed a supportive hand on my arm as we entered through a doorway into yet another hideous yellow room. I scoffed, shaking my head in disgust.

"So that's why I have to wear this tasteless and extremely revealing dress then... To play the part and please this utter lunatic." I growled at Loki as fabric continued to weave between my legs. I suppose I should be thanking the creep for still allowing me to continue wearing at least something at this point.

Out of nowhere a rather petite woman begins to approach us, gracefully offering up a tray of crimson cocktails, causing my stomach to churn just from the mere sight and subconsciously making the dull pain in my side twinge. Although, some liquid courage around this man wouldn't go-a-miss right now, so I swiftly grab a glass, thanking the woman before she silently backs away to a nearby corner. Further into the room I slowly begin to realise that a handful of beautiful women are dressed not too dissimilar to me. Yet while they were draped in tacky gold fabric, I'd been given a deep blue cloth.

The top part of my "dress" was form fitting, or at least it was to the parts it cared to keep covered. Almost like a corset the cloth sat comfortably against my waist, but the middle section had been completely removed; just about keeping my belly-button safely hidden. With the middle missing, the two side pieces left attempting to cover my bust were scarcely attached to the thin neckline, which was somehow magically holding everything up. It also came as no surprise that the dress simply had no back and instead offered a thin length of navy blue cloth that loosely draped over my ass; stopping mid-calf. The same technique had been applied to the front of my garment, leaving everything else completely out in the open; including the entire length of my legs, with hardly anything left for the imagination. Thankfully I'd been given gold arm cuffs that sat around both of my biceps and two gold chains that hung down either side; starting from my waist, finishing to sit suggestively at the top of my exposed thighs. To say I felt uncomfortable and cold from exposure would be an insulting understatement.

Taking a heavy gulp of my drink, the acidic aftertaste burning down the length of my throat, we soon came to a stop before a large glass wall overlooking the entire arena. A giant glitching hologram of the GrandMaster was being projected into the centre as he continued to waffle on about the upcoming event. I eyed the packed stadium, my grip tightening even more around Loki's arm, as I chugged the rest of my drink with a grimace. My anxiety was now through the roof, but it wasn't just the dress; something seemed incredibly off about this entire thing. Glancing at Loki, I noticed his cocky smile, which only angered me right now. "What could you possibly be smiling about? We shouldn't even be here." my voice straining to stay quiet at this point, as I watched Loki drag his eyes from the spectacle to look at me.

"I placed a wager against Thor before the fight." Loki's grin was one of pure joy, as if he were a child about to be crowned King. I scoffed, signalling for one of the girls to refill my glass. "Come now, Darling. Why not enjoy ourselves while we still can?" He continued, his voice now low as he leaned closer to me.

"I don't see you having to parade your body in front of thousands of wandering eyes." I spat, taking a large mouthful of drink, and snatching my arm from Loki; wrapping it instead around my body in a half-assed attempt to regain some modesty. Setting my eyes to stare out the window, stewing in my ever growing anger. "I can't believe you'd allow anyone to see me like this, least of all that Perv. The sooner this is over, the sooner I can put on something much more tasteful." my words laced with venom as I mumbled through gritted teeth, glass raised half-way to my lips. Slowly a cool hand snaked its way across the base of my back and wrapped round to rest flat against my upper thigh. Loki's lips brushing slightly against my ear as he spoke.

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