14. Dear Young Brother

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Loki's POV:

Stretching out with a groan, as I tried tugging the blanket back over my shoulders; shifting and rolling over still half asleep. However, my body didn't sink further into a feathery mattress as I'd have expected, but instead landed on the solid floor with a thud. Impatiently untangling a hand to rub my throbbing head, still refusing to open my heavy eye, when fingers brushed over a particularly tender patch of skin. A hiss breaking through gritted teeth.

Abruptly standing, and clumsily tripping over the blanket wrapped around my feet, almost immediately bringing me back to the floor; searching for something to check my reflection in. All I had was what appeared to be a bench, which must have been my temporary bed and the surrounding glass walls. Now wasn't this a familiar sight. Glass would just have to do.

Staggering over, practically nose to nose with my distorted reflection. It was hard to tell but there was some discolouration around one eye and the bridge of the nose. Then there was a particularly horrid scar across the cheek bone. Raising a hand up and gingerly tracing a finger over the raised skin; it set off a bullet in my head, everything flooding back. The roof. The woman. The look in her eyes. Oh yes, I remember it all now. She was going to kill me. A harsh bark erupting through my throat, placing a fist on the glass to steady myself.

Thoughts run rampant, bumping into one another and knotting together. Stepping away from the glass, hands tucking behind my back. Turning away with a grunt, resorting to pacing frustrated lengths of my glass cage. She had been so overcome by anger, easy to see it burning her insides to insanity. That's it, she was simply insane. Attacking me like that. So what stopped her? She was about to kill me, then she froze when I told her something. What was it?

The distinct sound of pressure releasing came from across the room as locks shifted out of place, which could only mean one thing. I had a visitor.

"Good to see you finally awake again, Brother." I scoffed, of course it was Thor. Then his statement dawned on me; how long had I been out for? A smirk pulled at my lip; impressive, getting a God to fall unconscious for such an extended amount of time. "I suppose I should be congratulating you." Thor continued, striding across the room in just a few steps, pausing at the glass with a smug grin. Cocking an eyebrow at him from over my shoulder, not catching on to his seemingly misplaced sentiment.

Thor opened the cell door and progressed further, this time fully standing right before me. Shutting us in the cell together. "Didn't have you down as someone interested in that sort of thing, I'm impressed." Thor rambled on, still not bothering to read into my expression.

"What on Midgard are you harping on about?" now turning to fully scowl at the oaf. Not only was he congratulating me, but was also somehow impressed; to my knowledge I hadn't even done anything yet. Thor's laugh shook the room, deciding to land a heavy hand on what felt like an already bruised shoulder of mine.

"You need not look so confused, dear Brother. I am merely glad you've finally found some peace with yourself. Finding someone other than yourself to love." Thor's smile was starting to get on my nerves. Eyeing his face, before staring at his iron grip on me.

"Love is overrated. A chemical that compels you to breed and act like an idiot. I wouldn't expect you to understand, considering you fell in love with the first mortal woman to hit you with a car." Now it was my turn to be smug, plucking Thor's hand off my shoulder. Circling around him, returning to sit on the bench.

"You are no better, falling in love with the first woman we put in our prisons..."

"I am not in love with her! She attempted to kill me, Thor! Is that how you suppose we demonstrate our feelings to each other now?" I growled, anger bubbling away inside me, but at the same time his words almost stung. That perhaps I wasn't upset with what he had just said but that I was being confronted with them. No, no that can't be it. Could it?

"It's alright, Younger Brother..."

"Don't be condescending, Thor. I'll still stab you" but he didn't care, brushing past my words and sitting beside me.

"It's okay to be confused about how you feel. If it's any consultation I think you too might be good together, in a strange and dangerous way." Thor smiled, genuinely this time. "See, you may be able to deceive me in many ways Brother, but love isn't one of them." he hummed, satisfied with my silence. Dropping my head into my hands I tried to clear my head.

"You want me to be with someone that poses a danger to me?" Thor's laugh brought me back to look up at him, head tilted slightly, more confused than ever.

"No, no, Brother. You misunderstand me." he shook his head and a hand simultaneously, exaggerating the point. "You are very similar. After all, I thought her skill set would interest you, and after getting to know her myself; it would appear you have much in common." he paused again, considering something "Reminds me of when you pretended to be a snake and then stabbed me..." he had that stupid smile back on his face as I straightened to look at him fully.

"You are never going to let that go, are you?" rolling my eyes and tutting. Thor's mouth hung in shock, betrayal dripping across his face.

"We were eight!" he spat, making me chuckle at the memory. As the amusement subsided I relaxed back against the wall with a sigh. "I've missed this." Thor mused more to himself. I shook my head, anxiously clenching and unclenching my hands in my lap.

"Why did you never come to see me, Brother?" my voice hardly whispered as I kept my eyes to the ground. Thor shifted in his seat, his hand now softly resting on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Loki. I should have come to see you, should have been the one to tell you when our mother... I should have been there." he huffed, shifting again. "Perhaps it is why I was so glad to hear of this woman. Despite it all she is kind deep down. Both of you have been through a lot and I think you may just be able to aid one another in overcoming those challenges." he finished with a light pat as he stood back up, slowly making his way towards the door.

"You spoke with her?" I questioned, finally looking back up to where Thor had begun walking away from me.

"I did. So now, you know why I don't believe you, Brother." he replied, pausing just before he left, turning to look back across his broad frame at me. "Oh and that you told her you loved her." he let out a breathy chuckle "It's the reason she froze. I hope for your sake you meant it." he sauntered out the room locking everything behind him. Leaving me alone again.

Running a shaking hand through my tousled hair, and resting my head back against the wall; exhaling deeply. I told her I loved her. Why doesn't that feel foreign to me? Had I meant it, or was I scared? Scared of what... dying? No. That didn't scare me. Nothing made sense anymore. I need to think. Had Thor actually been right for once?

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