28. Going Home Again

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Y/N's POV:

"Are you insane! Do you even have the slightest idea on what you've just done?" My voice shrieked throughout, echoing off the walls around us. Without a moment of consideration I reached a hand out to grab the GrandMaster in my outrage, but before my fingers could graze the fabric another hand intercepted my action, wrapping around my wrist in protest. Snapping my body round in frustration, and quickly coming face to face with Loki, I couldn't help but snarl. "And you! What on Midgard was wrong with you! So scared you wanted to leave, then all of a sudden you were acting like a child again. He was your brother, Loki!" I thrashed around with anger, attempting to pull away, spitting hateful words at him. Yet Loki didn't move, his face still completely blank.

"Adopted." he breathed, fixing his attention up towards the GrandMaster, "Let us not get carried away with such sentiment, Darling." as he spoke his last word he looked directly at me. Shaking my head, I pushed Loki away from me, finally breaking free from his grasp. Turning my back to both men, I folded my arms in protest and attempted to cover more of my body. A low chuckle made the hairs on my neck stand and my skin prickle with unease.

"Don't tell me you're a sore loser now, Sweet-Heart?" the GrandMasters voice made me grimace even more as I flashed Loki a disgusted glare. I hate this planet and I hate what it's done to him.

"Better than a dirty, old cheat." I bitterly accused, now making Loki cringe beside me, but before he could apologise for my outburst the female henchmen who dragged me through the halls came striding in.

"Your Champion is missing, GrandMaster." she announced to the room, waiting for her next order, but it never came. I rolled my eyes, letting my gaze fall to the floor; scuffing my sandals into the reflective tiles below. The woman cleared her throat, marching forward with a new found purpose. "The Lord of Thunder has also gone..." as the words left her mouth my head shot up in her direction. Thor was still alive? Without waiting a second longer for anyone's permission to leave, I took off towards the door. Voices called after me, but I didn't care anymore. Didn't care about any silly consequences. I just had to find Thor.


Forcing my way back into our bedroom, the door slamming against the wall, I began searching for a set of more suitable clothes. Nothing. You have got to be kidding me. Instead I grabbed a holster, securing it to my thigh, before quickly rushing from the room again, and pocketing a single blade. It wasn't much but it would have to do for now.

The palace was a maze, not unlike how Asgard had felt when I'd first claimed it as home. Home? I need to get home! I need to get back to Endre. I refuse to believe he is anything but okay. We should have never helped Thor, we should never have banished Odin, we shouldn't have left Earth... I should never have been caught that day...

"Ah there you are, my Lady" a woman exclaimed behind me, knocking me from my inner thoughts, and strutting past with a staggering amount of urgency. I stopped to watch her for a moment. She wasn't anyone I'd ever met before, and she had that same white face paint when she turned to look at me. "Come, we don't have much time. Oh, and he said to give you these." her tone was fairly flat as she tossed me a fresh leather outfit to put on. Breathing a sigh of relief I ducked into the closest room to change.

The outfit was simple enough; black with a gold trim and geometric pattern flowing down either side, finishing nicely with an off the shoulder neckline. "So, who are you exactly and what's your name?" I questioned walking back out, tightening a belt around my waist and slipping the knife back into the holster on my thigh simultaneously. She was somewhat shorter than me and was dressed in a much more flattering blue leather warrior outfit. Unlike most of the other women stuck on this planet. Very lucky, indeed.

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