1. Just a Distraction

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Y/N's POV:

"Keep walking Scum!"

The guard spat at me again, causing a smile to creep across my lips as the room echoed with the clunking of chains repeatedly striking pristine marble floors. A new record I thought. We had only just left the judgement hall and they were already hurling abuse at me. This might just be the proudest moment of my entire career, it could almost bring a tear to my eye. Well, it could have been my proudest moment if I hadn't been caught by the stupid God of Thunder barging in with another women; I mumbled to myself silently. My eyes flickered between my two escorts, checking if they had heard me, before drifting my attention back to my surroundings.

Gold drowned columns flashed by as I continued marching towards "a life of isolation", a concept that always made me chuckle. They had called me a "feral monster" before, someone who needed to be locked away in a cage. They weren't wrong of course, I just didn't care, I wasn't going to consider staying that long. We paused for a moment in front of a bolted door, allowing my sore feet a few seconds of rest, while I waited for one of the guards to unlock it with his ring of jangling keys. Sighing quietly to myself, I couldn't help but twist my wrists with impatience, waiting for the moment of bliss when I could finally get these stupid cuffs off.

Glancing beside me I noticed one of my guards, a young, skinny guy shifting nervously foot to foot. Looking him in the eye I began grinning ear to ear, doing my best to lean in closer to him; I could see beads of sweat starting to collect on his brow.

"First day huh? I'm sure you'll do great! Just be careful to watch ya back... Ya never know, someone might just stick a knife through it." I chuckled as the guy's face ran pale. Sadly just as I was about to open my mouth again a harsh tug yanked me away from him. The other guard was a lot older than his partner, probably had a few years under his belt too. Unfazed by my words and his colleagues' anxiety levels he led us down a staircase. "Oh, come on big guy! I didn't say I'd do it, did I? Allll-though, maybe..." I paused, getting distracted by the sudden change in our surroundings.

"Enough!" The older guard barked, grabbing my shoulders and forcing me into the wall beside us, his spit landing on my face. My back slammed harshly against the brickwork, a grunt escaping between my lips as the air was stolen from my lungs, allowing him to lean in even closer. I could feel his entire weight pressing against me, his disgusting breath on my face, his tired eyes staring through me. "Not another word from you. Got it." his voice sharp and commanding, as he forced me into the wall, empathising with every word. I groaned, glancing across at the other guard, who was visibly gulping, and in a hurry to avert his eyes from me; his overall skittishness said it all. Yet there also appeared to be a certain amount of guilt hidden in his actions. Using a cuffed hand to wipe my face, I looked back at the older guard and slowly nodded my head. The guard held my stare for a moment longer before pulling me back off the wall, allowing us to continue down the dark, grim hallway in a dull silence.

As we neared another winding staircase, the old guard casually picked up a torch from the wall, without even pausing our descent for a second. The further down we went the more noticeable the shift in temperature got, with the frosty air causing the flame to shudder and jump. A chill ran over my aching spine as the guard shoved me ungracefully down the last steps.

"Would you cut that out! You're gonna leave me with a broken back at this rate. I can already feel the bruises coming." I grunted, snapping my neck round to scowl at the man but he didn't even flinch, just smirked an ugly grin. Returning my attention forward again, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the prison door looming over me. It appeared to be made from a heavy, reinforced wood decorated with even more over the top gold and steel. Straightening my posture I let out a laboured sigh because just on the other side of that ugly door I could already hear the muffled shouting from prisoners and guards alike.

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