20. My Lady

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Y/N's POV:

(4 Years Later)

"And what is my Love doing with her day, today?" Loki called from his chair as I stood staring down at the gorgeous emerald encrusted ring sitting across my finger. Absentmindedly trailing my hands over the black velvet of my dress, tracing the gold embroidery around my waist as it twirled into vines and leaves. My hair curled past my shoulders, framing my face gracefully; how was it possible to look younger like this? Glancing down and seeing my toes just peering out from underneath the flowing material, as golden sandals snaked all the way up my calves. The sleeves came up just below the shoulder connecting with a gold chain across my bust. I still wasn't used to the style of clothes I had to wear; my catsuit had long been banished into the back of a closet, along with all my weapons.

It was a comfortable living style and one we had enjoyed for a lot longer than I'd expected us to but in no way had it meant that it was any easier to adjust with each passing day. "Darling?" Loki called again. I smiled, turning to walk towards him, stopping just behind his chair watching him scribble away over at his desk. Letting my hands run up and over his shoulders, and wrapping my arms around his front as he continued to shuffle different documents about.

"I'm not sure. I'll probably go down into the village, maybe walk through the gardens if you'd like to join me?" I murmured as I watched Loki write in curvaceous calligraphy onto a map, crossing off certain places. I didn't ever ask what he was doing, finding it easier to just accept that I wouldn't understand the majority of it. There was probably a reason wasn't born into royalty. Loki hummed, putting the quil down before turning to face me; causing me now to stand between his legs, arms still wrapped around his neck. He looked me up and down and presented a wolfish smile as his hands smoothed over my hips and thighs.

"I'd love to, Darling but I have some meetings to attend. Be careful though, it's cold out this morning." He stood slowly, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. He began getting ready, as I grabbed my cloak from inside my wardrobe, twirling it over my shoulders and tying the ribbon at the front. Pushing a handful of money into the pocket of my dress (yes I had secret pockets put into most of my dresses, there was no way I was going to carry a bag around with me) "Have a good day my Queen, see you this afternoon." Loki cooed, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I'm no Queen." I tutted, leaving to pull the handle of the door, but before I could tug the golden door open Loki placed a firm palm, holding it shut. A stern smile pulling at his lips, as he slyly wrapped an arm around my waist, trapping me in his embrace.

"Maybe not by formalities, but you are, My Queen" he smirked, this time leaving me with a bruising kiss, before ushering me out the door blushing like a fool. Hastily I marched off down, through the palace halls towards the gardens; every so often being greeted by handmaids and guards. It was weird being seen as a lady of the court; nobody gave me dirty looks or even second guessed whether or not I belonged here. I was left to freely walk and go about my day being welcomed by every being that lived on Asgard.


Immediately after stepping into the bustling village you were greeted with the mix of fresh bakes, beautiful dyed cloth and horses drawn carts. Everyone, happily going about their day, caught up in buying goods from the market, and preparing for the colder weather. Carefully weaving through crowds with one location in mind; the baker's stool, the smell of sweet buns, rich and intoxicating. Numerous trays sat, lined up neatly with a variety of treats and loaves of bread for display. Stepping forward with the hope of reading the handwritten labels easier, it wasn't long till the thick scent of citrus hit the back of my throat, making my mouth water excessively.

"Good mornin', my Lady, can I interest you in anything today?" looking up through my long lashes I shyly smiled up at the old baker, his voice chiper and welcoming. Dressed in a brown floured apron, his grey beard falling all the way down to his chest; a pair of glasses perched snuggly on his cold, rosey nose. I smiled politely, straightening myself up again, relaxing in the presence of a familiar face.

"Good morning to you too, Holger. I wouldn't mind two of those today, please." I greeted, digging out the money from my pocket; the coins cold against my palm. The baker nodded, picking up a brown paper bag, and moving across to delicately place the two sweet buns inside, gently handing them across to me as I tipped the money into his large outstretched hand.

"I hope you and your partner enjoy them, my Lady" he beamed, offering me that all too knowing glance over the top of his glasses.

"He would be so lucky for me to share these." I light-heartedly laughed, giving a polite smile to the man and thanking him as I walked away. Continuing further down through the village, greeting the odd person wishing me good morning; only stopping to talk to a farmer's wife as she stood with her horse. Its shining white coat felt like silk as it huffed warm air onto my face, nuzzling my hand to continue petting its nose as the woman updated me about her family and other news from around the village.

It was always such a joy talking to the people here, they were all so unapologetically optimistic and comfortable with their surroundings, nothing compared to those who lived back on Earth. They didn't seem to question my presence in they're home, instead choosing to only welcome me, and offering a place amongst them. It didn't matter to them that I was a member of the palace, only acknowledging the effort I put in to socialise with them, returning the gratitude by welcoming me into they're community with open arms. I felt like for the first time I belonged somewhere.


I slowed for a moment to take a cold breath on the outskirts of the forest. It was quiet. The village now far behind me was just a faint muffling of everyday sounds. Just as I went to continue my stroll into the woods, something shuffled beside me followed by a muffled whimper. I paused waiting for another sound, turning when I heard something sniffing.

"Hello?" I called softly but nobody replied. Gingerly I crept forward, stopping every so often to listen out for another noise. A choked out cry came from the left of me as I continued towards the sound. As I passed through some overgrown greenery, I spotted a young boy hugging his knees; rocking slightly back and forth against a tree. "Hello..." I whisper, lowering myself towards the ground. "Are you okay?" I softly smiled as I sat on the ground across from him, ducking my head down to look at the boy's face. Very slowly he shifted his body to peek up at me through watery eyes, raising a hand to clear his face. Taking in his dishevelled appearance, I noticed the grazed knees, tucked under his chin.

"It hurts. It still hurts." The boy whimpered, fiddling with the material on his sleeve. I glanced around to see if his parents were anywhere, but there was no one near us and I'd already walked a good way into the forest before finding him. I hummed in thought for a moment, thinking over my options. "What's your name?" His meek voice was wobbly but soft, bringing my attention back to him. After a moment I tucked my legs under my body and out the way, letting my shoulders relax as I offered him a gentle smile.

"I'm Y/N. What's your name?" I kept my voice low so as to not frighten him. Cautiously shuffling closer, I offered him my hand. Finally rewarding me with the smallest of smiles on his tear stained face, and wrapping his fingers softly round mine.


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