7. A Mild Interruption

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Loki's POV:

"Shh, shh it's okay. I got you, you're safe." Y/N's hushed voice breathed in my ear as she gently pulled me to the side and behind the door. "I turned us invisible again, no one can see us." she offered me a reassuring smile and it was only now that I realised she was holding my hand. This time the sweet gesture bringing me great comfort, as I squeezed her hand tighter in mine; not wanting to let her go.

We both watched as Thor put Mjolnir down on the floor beside him and rested his large palms on the balcony wall, where we had stood only moments ago. Despite his earlier shouting he seemed tired. Exhausted, perhaps? He didn't even seem to care about the loud clattering coming from behind him, undoubtedly from furniture being broken and splintering apart. Just simply continued staring off into the void of space; something I was no stranger to doing myself, long ago. A few moments later the sound of heavy armoured footsteps began approaching, pausing somewhere, just behind the door.

"He's not here Sire, but we did find his shoes and we believe the bed has been slept in. Is there anything further you would like us to do here, Sire?" The guard's voice was gravely and harsh, very much like the Captains if I remembered correctly. Thor stayed silent for a moment, clearly mulling over his options.

"Continue searching the palace, he can't have gotten far. I suggest splitting your men up to cover ground faster. Report back to me when you're done." Thor huffed, having not bothered to turn and face the man he had been talking to. The captain, however, had decided to march away again, and began shouting new orders. Thor took a step back leaning down on his arms, rubbing a hand across his face, still looking out across Asgard, defeated. "Where are you brother? Was it the women who took you, or did you somehow plan this together? I hope she didn't hurt you, your cell was such a mess when we found it." Thor sighed again, "If only mother was here, she'd know what to do. Know exactly where you are. I should have been the one to tell you." At his last words I turned away to look at Y/N, there was a sadness across her face as she watched Thor. It hurt that people had already started thinking she had harmed me in some way, let alone taken me hostage. Thor took a breath and lightly hit the wall with a fist, bending down to pick Mjolnir back up. Slowly turning to leave the room, to continue with his search.

After waiting for a couple of extra minutes, and fully satisfied that no one was coming back we re-emerged from our hiding spot. Taking a step closer to the balcony wall, a soft whisper came from behind me. Glancing over my shoulder to look back at Y/N I noticed she was still clutching the book tightly to her chest, head hung low, almost as if still trying to hide. "Y/N, are you okay?" I spoke softly, moving back across to her, lightly placing my hands on either side of her arms. She shook her head, tilting her chin up to look at me with sad eyes.

"I wouldn't do any of those things to you. I wouldn't, couldn't hurt you Loki." her voice wobbled slightly. It was then in that moment a heartless assassin no longer stood in front of me, but a woman who had been used for other people's dirty work. Someone for everyone else to blame. Pulling Y/N closer to me, I tightly wrapped my arms around her, gently stroking circles at the base of her neck. Her head resting on my chest as she pressed her body tighter to mine, shrinking even smaller into me.

"I know, Darling. I know." I reassured her softly. "Perhaps, we should move on. From here." I leaned back to look down at her as she peered up at me with a small smile and a nod. "Here," I offered her my hand, "why don't I put that back while you go and get cleaned up." placing the book in my waiting hand, Y/N turned to walk back inside, abruptly pausing in the doorway. I cocked an eyebrow confused "Forget how to walk?" I jabbed, but she didn't respond. "Y/N, what's wrong?" I began walking around to where she was standing.

"Loki, your room..." her voice was quiet. Glancing back into my chambers for the first time since the guards had been, I felt my eyebrows rise in shock. There wasn't a single piece of furniture left standing, and all my organised belongings had been thrown halfway across the room. Numerous books had been tossed from the shelves and many of my maps and documents had been scattered elsewhere. It was as if the place had been ransacked. Y/N ran over to my desk, collecting up any files she could find and neatly placed them back on my desk and inside the draws. After the initial shock I slowly walked over to my bookshelf, carefully picking up the books I found on my way past. Sliding each one back into its original place, onto the shelf as best as I could. "I'm sorry." Y/N's voice came from behind me as she lightly touched my arm. The sudden contact initially making me freeze, before returning to organising the books left cradled in my arm.

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