15. I Love You

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Y/N's POV:

Thor strode into the room with vigour, but his face looked somewhat saddened. His silence was deafening as he perched in a chair across from me; once more a table separating myself and the interrogator.

"Loki doesn't seem to be admitting anything currently." he sighed, meeting your watery eyes. "Had it occurred to you that perhaps he was using you to escape?" my eyes darted back and forth across Thor's glum expression for even a hint of humour. "I know my Brother and it wouldn't be beyond him to fabricate this tale to aid his intentions. I want to believe that he meant what he said to you, but to save his own skin he played you." Thor sighed, looking down with sympathy. My fists clenched, as magic pumped through my body; it felt like I was about to go up in flames.

"You clearly know very little about your Brother because he did-does mean it." my voice breaking as I screamed at the God before me, fist slamming down onto the table. "He has to mean it, be-because I love him" my voice a near whisper, head falling into my hands, and breath shaking. "I have spent my entire life learning to read people, my line of work didn't lend itself an ounce of trust in others. Loki doesn't fear death, from what I've gathered through the information you gave me. So Odinson, how well do you actually know your Brother? You weren't the one there to comfort him when his Mother died, I was. You weren't the one to pick up his things when your men destroyed his room, I was. And you want to know something else, he was there for me. He listened. Hugged me. Didn't abandon me when he learned my truth. You truly have no idea." my chair scraped across the floor as I stood abruptly. Placing my palms flat against the table, leaning into Thor's ear "Because you never cared to find out." I whispered to him, turning and storming out of the room.


The corridors were a maze, not helped by the need to dodge endless rounds of patrolling S.H.I.E.L.D agents. I was relieved that Thor hadn't given chase after I'd left, he had remained sat in silence. Thinking. As I quickly approached another set of metal doors, I readied a ball of magic; watching the doors buckle and blow wide open. Striding in, with no regards on whether I'd have to fight someone anymore. Taking in the room, my eyes landed on a figure, arm raised to cover their features; as they lowered it slightly my breath caught in my throat. Loki.

"Trust you to make an entrance like that, Darling." he chuckled, shoulders relaxing, as I calmed my raging breath. Before I knew it my legs were moving, running towards the glass. Bracing my body I closed my eyes, finally colliding with something warmer than the cold glass I'd been expecting. Peering through my lashes I felt arms circle around my waist, pulling me closer.

"I'm sorry, Loki, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking. All I could hear was her voice. I didn't want to do it. Then-then there was blood on my knife and-and I was so scared that I-that I had actually killed you. I'm sorry." I couldn't breath as words spewed from my mouth, tripping over every one as I gripped onto Loki, nails digging into his shoulder blades. Loki brought a hand up to cradle the back of my head, stroking a steady rhythm across my neck.

"It's okay. I'm okay. I'm not angry, I don't deserve to be angry. You were right Darling, I'd left you and that wasn't fair. I gave my word and let you down. I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, in any way you want." he sighed, pulling back to gently swipe his thumb across my cheek, cleaning the tears away. He offered an apologetic smile, planting a soft kiss to my forehead, causing me to melt further into his arms.

Finally leaning back to take in his face I noticed the damage I'd inflicted. Cautiously running my fingertips across the bruising and scar. "I didn't realise how capable I was of knocking-up a God. Still gorgeous though." Loki let out a breathy laugh as he curled his fingers into my hand, kissing my knuckles.

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