18. The Return to Asgard

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Y/N's POV:

"Well, would you look at that Maw. The Frost Giant really does have a heart." Thanos chuckled as he loomed over us huddling together on the floor, before pressing on "I made a deal with you Loki and I am willing to keep it." I could feel Loki shifting his body but still refused to let go of me. "I thought you might be interested..." Thanos began picking up a weapon down by his feet, lifting it to casually sit upon his shoulder with ease. "You will bring me the Tesseract this time, but instead of giving you an army or anything else of value. You can keep your Lover." he finished by pointing the large weapon at me with a smile. For some reason, a wave of anger boiled up inside me and deep down there was a new formed strength. Lifting my hand, I gently pushed the blade away from my face, forcing myself to stand shoulders back glaring up at the titan; a smile still plastered across his face.

"And if we don't take the deal?" I started straight-faced. Thanos rolled his eyes within one swift movement he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards his now angry face. He lowered his head, his voice only a deadly warning.

"I don't remember asking you young lady so I would be very careful about pushing your luck with me." I wrinkled my face in disgust and with as much force as I could I spat at him, the glob landing on his grape coloured jaw. He chuckled sinisterly and using his other hand he wiped it off his face. "Oh you are a brave one aren't you; it would almost be a waste to kill you. Perhaps when this is all over, you can become one of my children" With that he dropped my wrist from his harsh grip and signaled over his slimy side-kick. I rubbed my wrist with a wince as it glowed a warm red. Anger still simmering in my gut, bubbling out of control. "Maw I want you to drop these two off on Asgard they can go from there. Oh and one more thing Loki..." he paused for Loki to raise his head slightly "You have until I have retrieved the first infinity stone." As he walked away from us "Maw'' signaled for Loki and I to follow but as I turned to look at Loki I could tell he was weak. Watching as he tried to push himself to his feet, only for his legs to betray him; wobbling before falling to his knees again.

"Aren't you going to help him?!" I shouted at the grey alien, he glanced at me with disgust, almost insulted by the idea. He stood with authority, his fingertips delicately touched together once more, with his arms in front. His eyes bore into my soul as he scoffed at how pathetic we were.

"You should be thankful, you have been spared at the mercy of Thanos. I'm not required to follow your demands, Mortal. Pick him up yourself and follow me." The anger kept building in me as I strode towards Loki crouching beside him. Cautiously draping his arm around my shoulders, with my other hand I pushed the damp strands of hair from his face. Rubbed off the splatters of blood that were present on his forehead and around his mouth.

"You look good." I offered him a smile when he looked up, managing to return a sad smirk. "On the count of three we're going to stand up, okay?" Loki gave me a small nod as I put an arm around his back, grasping his hand firmly. "Okay. One..." I began bouncing my knees "Two" shifting his weight into me "Three" I gritted my teeth as I heaved both of us up and off the ground with a stumble. I paused for a couple of seconds to steady us both.

"I haven't got all day if you could move it along now." The snarky comment echoed across the room making me audibly growl. Scowling over at Maw for the audacity of his arrogance as I readjusted Loki's weight again.

"Ready to move?" It was more of a rhetorical question as I took a small step forward as Loki's hunched over form also began shuffling towards the door next to me. We moved through a series of dark corridors as we followed Mr Slug face to a smaller spacecraft. Beside me I could hear Loki struggling to breathe, groaning every so often and clutching an arm to his torso.

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