22. Theatre Night

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Y/N's POV:

"What do you think?" I asked, twirling around in front of my critique as he observed my dress whirling around my legs. I stopped facing Endre watching him tap a finger on his chin, exaggerating an unsatisfied face. "Not a fan?" I asked, approaching the bed where Endre was swinging his legs back and forth. The maids had given him a clean shirt and a pair of shorts, his hair had finally been combed through and he looked more handsome than ever. I crouched down at the edge of the bed in front of him, remembering to not stand on any of the fabric that pooled around my feet.

"You're missing something." Endre mused, sliding off the bed and running over to the vase of flowers on one of the little tables, carefully plucking out a white Dryas Octopetala, cradling it in his hands. As he stopped in front of me again, he pushed up on his toes and gently placed it behind my ear. "Done! You look very pretty" he smiled at me as I stood up. My smile spread impossibly wide, offering out my hand as we began walking towards where Loki liked to hold his terrible, theatrical stories.


We were running a little late but as we got closer I didn't mind. I could make out some of the words and let out a deep breath, realising which play was being shown. As we rounded the corner my guess had been right, tonight was the grand retelling of Loki's 'great sacrifice'. I absolutely loathe this one. Swiftly bending down and picking Endre up we began pushing through the crowd to get closer, not only so Endre could see but so were closer to where Loki would be sat watching. Just as we began approaching I spotted "Odin" unable to hold in a growl. It was bad enough that Loki was disguised as Odin but now he was lounging, in robes, on a plush sofa, surrounded by five beautiful women. I took a deep breath calming my magic, which simmered in my veins; itching to be released. One of the women then began feeding him grapes. Son of a... Oh, he was going to pay for that big time later.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder, pulling me out from plotting my soon to be dead husbands murder and back to Endre, who looked rather confused. "Who's that?" he whispered as I tried to follow his finger, my eyes widened briefly before a smug grin fell across my lips.

"He's finally returned." I chuckled, glancing at Loki who was yet to notice our extra guest. Endre hugged me tighter, not understanding my answer. "Endre you know I told you about the statue outside?" he nodded slowly, looking straight into my eyes. "Well my Darling, that's his brother." I finished my sentence smiling. The crowd applauded the end of the play as Thor strode towards "Odin" . I could see the confusion on his face and yet there was a sense of internal determination to him. Loki deserved all that was coming to him, for sitting there with those women and I didn't even have to get my hands dirty.

"Father" Thor greeted naturally enough, Loki however was not as smooth, spitting his drink back into his cup and cursing under his breath. I stepped closer to watch the drama unfold, the crowd slowly dispersing.

"Uhh, my son, Thor, has returned! Greetings, my Boy" Loki stumbled through every word, clearly panicking on the inside and I couldn't help but beam ear to ear, watching as Loki sat back on his fancy sofa. Thor began circling to stand in front of his "father".

"It's an interesting play. What's it called?"

"The Tragedy of Loki of Asgard." I groaned internally, rolling my eyes. Why did I still have to suffer through this second-hand embarrassment, thanks to Loki's ego? "The people wanted to commemorate him." 'Odin' continued, clearly, he thought he was pulling this off, I wasn't so sure if I agreed yet.

"Ah, indeed they should. I like the statue." Thor continued and I couldn't help thinking if he was serious. I love Loki, I think he is magnificent but the statue makes him tacky. That's it, we should rename the statue to 'Laki'. After all, it did look like an off-the-market Oscar trophy. "A lot better looking than he was when he was alive, though. A little less weaselly, less greasy, maybe." I couldn't help but snort, trying to hide it by shifting Endre on my hip slightly, the little boy engrossed with what was happening as much as I was. I could see Loki's frustration growing as he began to fidget in his seat, but Thor didn't pause long enough for him to interrupt. "Do you know what this is?" I tilted my head slightly to see what Thor was holding, now unsure where this was going.

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