16. Crusty, Grey Slug

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Y/N's POV:

"You've been quite the conundrum, Laufeyson. I'd have thought by now you'd know not to keep him waiting. Not the wisest of moves you've made, yet still not the worst from the numerous you've tried. Lest we remind you that you were required to return the Tesseract. Where is it?" The creepy, grey thing droned on in a continuous, monotone voice. Fingers delicately placed together as he stared down at Loki with disgust. As the alien took a step forward I felt my body shake with new found confidence and went to approach. Loki's grip on my hand tightened, holding me back, as his other arm wrapped around me, gluing me to the spot slightly behind him.

"It's good to see you again too, Ebony. Finally been sent to bring me back after you left me here on this hideous planet?" Loki's voice was hard to read. On one hand there was a familiarity to it that was held well and polite, but on the other there was a tang of anger, distaste even. The alien didn't seem to care for Loki's words as he approached further. Pausing for a moment to take in the fact I existed; eyeing me up and down slowly, before offering a horrifying smile.

"It would appear that not all your time on Earth has been without pleasure." He gestured a long, knobbly finger over at me; forcing me to grit my teeth with a growl "I see you found a new toy to play with, Loki. Don't tell me you have grown soft since we left you? What happened to the rightful King of Asgard who put everyone in their place, harming anyone who didn't listen?" A strange, gargled chuckle rose from the back of his throat, once again eyeing my form "He will be so disappointed that you allowed yourself to be led astray so easily." As he tsked Loki with more hollow lies, I couldn't help but clench my fists in rage. Despite Loki's best efforts in holding me back, I managed to snatch my arm away from him; placing myself between the two.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are or what power you think you hold over us, but you can take your lanky grey ass back home now. And while you're at it, try using some moisturiser. You look super flaky, actually, I think there's a shop down the street for you if ya want to go there and quit bothering us." I spat at the freak standing in front of me. He grinned an unpleasant smile as he looked through me at Loki, continuing to chuckle. "I could knock that smile straight off your face if I wanted. In a blink of an eye, you'd be dead on the floor. Then we'll see who's still smiling." but all he did was continue to smile, unphased by everything I had said.

With my patience running out I lunged forward in an attempt to grab the crusty, grey slug, grabbing one of my pocket knives in the process. Unnerved, the alien lifted his hand and swiped it infront of him, hurling me against the alley wall. With a sickening crack against the bricks, my body fell limp against the ground. Loki flinched, shifting towards me before 'Ebony' stilled him by raising his arm. Someone else's shadow loomed over me, a booted foot, kicking me over and began forcing their weight down onto my chest.

"Intriguing, indeed. Bring the goby one with us. I'm sure he'd wish to meet her after all." The alien droned on, turning to walk away. Loki's eye practically shot-out from his head, from the mere horror alone that the things words brought. He reached a hand to grab the arm of the slug, almost begging him.

"Ebony, wait! She hasn't done anything, she isn't required to come. I'm the one you came for, so just take me instead. Surely there's no need to overcrowd things." I had never heard Loki plead before, and it was painful to listen to. I knew he was tying to protect me but we'd only just got things worked out again. The alien eyed me again and turned over Loki's words in his head; debating the idea thoroughly.

Meanwhile, the brat currently crushing my ribcage was really getting on my nerves as they smirked down at me with a twisted grin. Very slowly I reached down to my thigh, hand finding the cold handle of my dagger. Then in one swift motion, I brought my arm back and drove the blade into the person's thigh, watching them let out a sharp and strangled cry. Blood dripped from the wound onto my clothes, bringing a sly smile to my lips.

The grey blob and Loki's attention snapped back over to me, except Loki's features turned sad, almost disappointed. His eyes glossed over as if the world was about to shatter to small shards around him, beginning to slightly water in the corners. I had never seen him more frightened. He breathed my name silently, gaze never leaving my face.

"She comes with us and he can deal with her behaviour." Ebony spat as he created a portal at the edge of the alleyway, just ahead of us. Firstly shoving Loki through, striding swiftly in after him. Scrambling to pick myself up I went to chase after them, when I felt an intense blow to the back of my head. The portal twisted and groaned ahead of me. Arms wrapping around my midsection. Colours all blending into one another, then nothing.


I feel sick. That bitter-tasting kind of sick. The kind of sick accompanied by a marching man's drum beating in my skull to a rhythm that could only hope to awaken the dead. The type that makes you dizzy, leaving you no longer knowing which way is up. That familiar stench of burnt iron, sending your stomach flipping out of your mouth as your nails dig into the floor. A sickness that makes your body feel weak, paralysed in one spot; a nightmare that's no longer just inside your head.

My eyes refuse to confront my reality, staying shut, whereas my mouth hangs open, making the back of my throat feel like the desert; dry, gritty. Freedom doesn't feel the way I thought it would. If it ever existed in the first place that is. A groan escapes me as the weight of my body hits my tender bones; strung up motionless in the air. I can feel the metal teeth biting at my wrists, keeping me suspended. It's a dull pain, but it's there. Even the crisp breeze hurts against my paper skin. I have never felt so fragile.

Yelling and pained screams echoed around me, forcing my lead cast eyelids to eventually open. Trying my best to focus on my surroundings, but it all registered fuzzy; there wasn't a single thing to pick out and hone in on. All I could see was four grey walls and a pinch of light seeping under a metal door. Clearly this person had gone to the same store as my Mother or perhaps followed her interior design blog. I chuckled to myself, despite the protest from my stomach.

A distinct crack of air, swiftly followed by another ear-piercing wail came bouncing through the walls; my head flinching away from the sound. It caused my head too spin and my body to involuntarily shiver as the hairs stood to attention down my neck and arms. I was not a stranger to the sounds of torture, but there was something about this persons screams that twisted my gut in knots. So much so that it made me want to vomit.

In an attempt to block out the noise I forced my mind to push past the drumming and dizziness and think back to what happened. We had broken out of S.H.I.E.L.D. Pausing to catch our breath and then... Then a crusty, grey slug had forced us through a weird portal. Another scream tore through my body; it was horrendously painful to listen to. Why was it so hard to hear? Another wail, it's a man; I think. No, it's Loki!

My body twisted and writhed against the shackles holding me in place, not caring as they cut further into my skin. When I tried calling my magic to the surface the chains burned in retaliation. Nothing was working. Sobs shook my body, but no sound came. Instead everything only made my head pound harder. Loki's howls came again and I felt tears tumble down my cheeks. This isn't fair! I continued to pull harder at the chains, silent screams scratching my throat. Make it stop. Please just make it stop.

The rattle of keys came from just outside the metal door. A shadow replacing the majority of the light that used to seep in from beneath. Old metal hinges screeched as the door was hauled open, revealing another creature. It was hard to see much of their appearance other than they were large and brooding. Stepping forward into the small room, their vile breath fanning across your face, before speaking with a hoarse smugness "Time to go Princess."

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