3. Surprise Breakfast Date

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Y/N's POV:

Blinking the sleepy dust out of my eyes, followed by a bone cracking stretch I noticed a wooden bowl had been placed into my cell. Pushing the blanket from my shoulders I slowly rose from my position on the floor and staggered over to it, half asleep. Peering into the bowl, I scrunched up my nose in disgust as all it seemed to contain was a greyish coloured sludge. An old and worn wooden spoon was poking out from the slime, a slime which I assumed was supposed to be my breakfast. Gingerly picking up the bowl I returned to sitting alongside the golden shield. Reluctantly grabbing the spoon, I stirred the gunky substance, lifting it from the bowl. The food slowly fell from the spoon, plopping back into itself in the least appetising way possible. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, getting some of the grey, lumpy mixture onto my spoon. Pausing to take another deep breath, I tried to psyche myself up into bringing the spoon towards my mouth. Only slightly poking my tongue out so I could taste whatever food this was supposed to be. It was stone cold and gristly. Reluctantly I grazed my teeth across the spoon getting the smallest amount possible, but even as that sat on my tongue I had to stop myself from gagging. I gritted my teeth and swallowed hard, placing the bowl on the ground beside me. Using the spoon I started to spin the bowl around aimlessly, with the content very much staying in place.

"You really shouldn't play with your food like that, Darling." a familiar smug voice called from across the hall. In one swift motion I sent the bowl sliding across to the other side of the room, no longer being able to even stomach looking at it.

"I wouldn't be if it weren't so vile." I shook my head in disgust. "You can't seriously be telling me you actually eat that shh..." I stopped as I looked up to see Loki sitting at his table with a bowl of fruit, a plate of meat and a metal jug that could only contain wine. I clung to my stomach as it growled in pain and hunger. Glaring at Loki and the smug expression he had across his face, I stood up and paced my room in anger. "Of course..." I threw my arms up as I realised my own stupidity, "In what world would a Prince be eating literal slop; even if said Prince was in a prison cell." I finished by kicking the bowl of grey sludge at the golden shield in frustration, watching as it sprayed across the floor and walls. Turning away from the mess in my cell, I could hear someone laughing at me, only for it to be Loki with a cup of wine in his hand watching from across the room. "Do I amuse you, your highness?" I snapped, sighing in defeat, knowing all too well that my frustrations wouldn't get me anywhere.

"Indeed you do, Darling" he agreed with a smile. His voice was soft despite the aggression I had in my response. My stomach rumbled again, causing me to clutch it with one hand as the other supported my body against the wall. It had been a couple days since I had last eaten anything, let alone something proper. Through my lashes I watched Loki take a sip from his cup, only to then pour himself some more. Groaning in defeat, I pulled my drooling gaze away and instead began looking out of my cell for any other form of life.

"Where have all the guards gone?" I called across to Loki. He didn't even bother looking up as he plucked a grape from the bunch and tossed it casually into his mouth, before calling out his reply.

"They have a break whenever the prisoners are eating, they'll be back in fifteen or so." I hummed in satisfaction as I took a step back towards the far end of my cell. I closed my eyes for a second clearing my mind, gripping my necklace tight in my palm. Feeling that familiar flow through my veins as I deeply inhaled the muggy air. A deep purple fog engulfed me as I vanished, Loki however was too busy to notice I had completely disappeared. I glanced at my shoes and decided not to bother, before reading myself. Taking a half-crouched stance, I took another final sharp breath this time holding it; silently praying for this to succeed. Pushing off the wall I began sprinting at full force at the golden shield. Closing my eyes tight and crossing my arms in front of my face, already bracing myself for impact. Yet the only impact I felt were my feet hitting the floor with a soft thud. Gingerly opening my eyes I finally exhaled the breath I had been holding. I was out. I was on the other side. I jumped up and squealed as I began doing a stupid little dance, which thankfully no one else could see. Slowly I began approaching Loki's cell, gingerly bringing my hand up to his golden shield, making sure I didn't accidentally touch it before I was ready. Inhaling once more I started to push my hand through, before swiftly bringing the rest of my body through. The shield rippled for only a second before settling back to its usual form.

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