29. Reunited

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Y/N's POV:

In all honesty, the 'Devil's Anus' hadn't been what I was expecting. Then again what do you expect from such a thing? Val had joined us with another runaway just before our final voyage, but I had yet to be introduced. Instead all our attention was focussed on dodging the endless stream of mechanical debris hurtling towards us. Crimson clouds engulfed the ship as the force pinned my head to the back of my chair. Only just managing to keep my eyes open I watched as red washed away into the dark blanket of space; its empty void a welcoming sight at long last. Suddenly the ship's alarms started blaring, with every light on the dash now flashing frantically. It was going into overdrive. The violent shaking jolted us in our seats, my head came down on the plastic chair with a heavy thud.


Groaning, I slowly reopened my eyes, a sigh of relief escaping between my lips. Asgard sat on the horizon, its ethereal presence practically a dream come true. Smiling up at Thor, watching as he groggily re-awoke, before the both of us exchanged a look with the same understanding of 'we made it'. Twisting in my seat to look back at Val, my smile faded, spotting who else had joined our rebel group. Despite the visible ageing and lack of lab coat, the man gulped in fear as he also made the same connection I had. So putting on my fakest smile, I decided to strike up a conversation. 

"Dr Banner, isn't it?" I tilted my head mockingly "Finally decided to ditch the lab and venture into space?" a smug grin tugged at the corner of my lips as the man shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "Ah come now, you can relax. I'm not going to hurt you. If you hadn't noticed already, I've changed since then." I chuckled to myself, turning to face the front window again. "Back then however, I'd have quite easily slit your throat with just your pen. I mean, while I could still do that, nowadays I tend to be more passive. Funny what can change in a couple years, don't you think?" I could feel Thor's disapproval but I continued to ignore him, resting my feet up on the console.

"Y-Yes, well. Speaking of changes, how have you been? Judging by your condition, it would appear the magic has binded well with your physical form." The nervousness in his voice was overwhelming, but not misleading. I sat for a moment thinking. Magic? What magic?

But as I tilted my head up towards the dirty window, I realised that my eyes had changed to an unearthly purple. My dim reflection instantly betraying everything I'd worked so hard to heal over the years. Now that once familiar feeling of nails dragging across the inside of my skull began to reappear. Did you seriously think you had gotten rid of me, you silly girl? I jerked my head back down, focussing on my fingers, intertwining them together and digging my nails into my skin.

"I haven't used that kind of magic in a long time, Doctor." my voice now low and sombre. Has it really been that long? I suppose there was no need, we had been safe. I had felt safe.

"Well, you might want to refresh yourself because we'll need everything you've got when it comes to fighting Hela." Thor spoke matter-of-factly, still focused on the direction we were travelling. I closed my eyes, reaching down to the very depths of my soul; I'd never once forgot, I just chose to ignore it.

"I thought it'd be a lot nicer." Dr Banner's voice came directly beside me as he stood looking out across Asgard. "I mean, not that it isn't nice. It's just that it's on fire." His words made me pause, slowly looking back out the window. Leaning forward in my seat I watched as history repeated itself. My home, completely surrounded by smoke, with flames covering each and every surface; only this time I hadn't been the direct cause. Yet it wasn't any less saddening.

"Here, up here in the mountains." Val reached a hand across pointing at the crowd of red dots, huddled together at the top of the projection. "Heat signatures, people clustered together." she continued to elaborate, as the image zoomed in to reveal a single green dot scaling the mountain. "She's coming for them." Val's tone stern and unnerving. Without hesitating I wrestled off my seatbelt and walked towards the doors at the back of the ship.

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