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      Changze sighed "A-Ying, you're a young adult, do with what you want with your money" He said.

    Wei Ying smiled "Thanks!" He said.

    Wei Ying happily walked to the living room couch and turned on the T.V, quickly turning it down so his mom could sleep in a bit longer. Wei Ying went to a random channel to watch when his dad sat down as well next to Wei Ying.

    So far, a nice and peaceful morning....


     Wei Ying was on his way to school. He walked happily as he listened to some of his favorite music. But he bumped into someone causing his phone to fall out of his hands, yanking his earbuds as well. Wei Ying looked up.

    "Oh sorry, I apologize!" He said with a nervous smile.

    "Ah, no it's okay" Said a man with long, beautiful curly hair.

    Wei Ying couldn't help to study his features. He was muscular, but not a scary buff. He was tall, maybe around 6"1 (I googled his height, this is what I came across), and had a weird mark on his forehead. Maybe a tattoo of some sort. Wei Ying snapped out of his thoughts.

   "Still I apologize, I wasn't paying attention on where I was going" Wei Ying said once again.

    Wei Ying didn't know why, but he gets these weird vibes from him, it wasn't bad, dangerous vibes, more or less, like he met him somewhere, like he could trust him?? But nonetheless, the tall male smiled once again.

    "May I ask for what your name is?" He asked politely. 

    "Ah, Wei Ying, and you?" He asked, getting nervous for some reason, was it that strange feeling?

    "Call me Luo Binghe, and no need to worry, I see you are on your way to a school, well then, you best be getting there before you are late" He said, like how a kind teacher would say to a lost student.

    Wei Ying froze, he quickly got his phone, looked at the time and he almost panicked.

    "Oh! Right! Thank you  Luo Binghe! I need to go now, see you around!" Wei Ying said as he ran off in a hurry.

    The taller male just laughed to himself. But someone appeared behind him.

    "Kind of reminds me of you when you were just a disciple" He turned around, only to have a large, childish smile.

    "You think so Shizun?" He asked.

    The male, dressed in light, green sweater, light blue jeans, and a pair of simple converse shoes, stood there with a small smile. His hand fan gently pressed up against his jade-like smooth skin. He nodded.

     "Yea, I do, say Binghe, what was on today's agenda?" He asked.

     "Nothing really, just a few things to buy and that's it" He said.

     "I see, well, let's be on our way, he have some friends to meet up with that we haven't seen in some time" Said the male as he gracefully walked away.

     Luo Binghe smiled "Oh? Who are these friends if I may ask?" He asked as he walked alongside the other.

     "Hua Cheng and Xie Lian" He said.

     "Oh! I haven't seen them in a long time" He said.

    "Yep, and now we come bearing grand news to them, let's hurry, we don't wish to be late now do we?" He asked.

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