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      Hua Cheng shook his head in disagreement "No, Wei Ying wasn't even a G-h-o-u-l for a month and hasn't even fought in battle yet, we don't wish to expose him in a dangerous place, if Wei Ying from back then could barely handle it, Wei Ying now wouldn't be able to handle it without the proper training and experience" He said.

     "Ah, correct, you are correct" Luo Binghe said.

     They talked a bit more when the waiter came up, ready to take their orders.

    "Are you guys ready to order?" She asked. 


       Hua Cheng, Xie Lian and Luo Binghe ordered, all the while both Shen Qingqiu and Wei Ying had just asked for refills.

     "You guys aren't going to order?" She asked.

     "Nah, I ate earlier, I wanted some coffee" Wei Ying said with a convincing smile.

     "I'm not hungry" Shen Qingqiu said.

     The waiter just nodded and walked off with the orders. Wei Ying looked at Shen Qingqiu.

     "Why didn't you order?" He asked.

     "I completed something that doesn't require me having the need to eat, and plus, I like Binghe's food more than anything" He said, fanning himself with his fan.

     "Aww, thanks Shizun" Said Luo Binghe.

     Shen Qingqiu just nodded. 

     "Actually, none of us really need to eat, but we do cause we like food" Said Xie Lian.

     "Ah, well, who doesn't like food?" Wei Ying asked.

     "And I must agree with Shen Qingqiu, Luo Binghe's food is quite remarkable" Xie Lian said.

     "Then get some cooking lessons from him" She Qingqiu said.

      "I might as well, I cook terribly" Xie Lian said.

       "I'm willing to give you some pointers" Luo Binghe said facing Xie Lian.

     Xie Lian thanked Luo Binghe as the food came along and they started to eat. Once finished, Hue Cheng ended up paying for everything and they walked out. That's when Wei Ying started getting a weird feeling.

    The four stopped walking once they realized Wei Ying had stopped walking.

    "Something wrong?" Xie Lian asked.

    Wei Ying got a strange feeling in his throat. He held it and both Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng knew what was happening.

    "He's getting hungry" Hua Cheng said.

    "Really? Crap" Shen Qingqiu said.

    Wei Ying started to get a bit dizzy when he realized that Wen Qing said to call her if he starts to get hungry. He pulled out his phone and texted her.

    "Wei Ying?" Luo Binghe asked.

    "S-sorry, I have to go" Before he ran off, Xie Lian grabbed his wrist.

    "At least give us your number, so once you are done 'eating' we know you are safe" He said.

    Wei Ying sighed, nodded and they both exchanged numbers. Wei Ying said bye and ran off to Wen Qing's house.

    "He forgot his bag" Hua Cheng said.

    "I'll go get it" Luo Binghe said as he walked in the cafe.

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