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Sometimes you forgot you no longer lived on earth. You'd wake up to warmth of a body besides you, you hadn't felt such warmth in so long. Blinking briefly as your eyes would drift along the room in a dazed state. The sun had peeked her face through the windows, running up and down little trails of light until she kissed your face.

Even if her kisses were warm and inviting... They sure as hell could be annoying. You squinted as the sight, trying to find a different thing to focus on until... A hand was brought to the side of your face, cupping your cheek lightly and blocking out the sun. Glancing back up, you met eyes with a very awake Yuuka.

She smiled as you stared at her in silence. This was your best friend, the person you could relate to the most. The only person you could really lean on for company simply due to how you both were stuck in a "similar" situation. Two people from different worlds, thrown into a place full of life, full of magic, It was wonderful place, really.

"Good morning, Prefect" She whispered, a soft smile upon her face. Her lips slightly curved, her eyes gazing at you endearingly, lovingly even. You felt slightly flustered, heat rising to your cheeks as you scrunched up your nose at her words, reaching for her own hands with yours.

"We are both the prefect. You can call me by my name, you know?"

"I'm aware. But I don't want to call you that. That's what everybody calls you and not just anybody. I'm your best friend..." She murmured, she was careful to hold a low tone of voice when Grim was snoozing away. Despite the fact that he would sleep through a hurricane if given the chance.

"How about I start calling you something else?~" She purred, brushing her thumb across your cheek. You glanced at her lips, biting at the inside of your cheek. Why is the bestie kinda fine though? You choked back such a thought before finally sputtering out a few words.


"Shhh... Quiet now, trinket. It's time for school. Get ready, yeah? I gotta wake up our weasel up"

"He's your weasel, but he's MY baby." She slowly pulled back her hands as you huffed at her. Pulling yourself outta bed, you glanced over to the cat upon your pillow, curled up on himself. He was in a deep sleep from what you could see, snoring away with delight.

He was your little meow meow. Your narcissistic baby that could conquer worlds! In your opinion at least. He was the strongest, obviously. You stroked his fur watching him squirm at the contact. You would fight god for him. Only then when Yuuka's hand came into view, poking him awake did something finally click in your head.

TRINKET!? She called you a trinket. You snapped your head immediately in her direction as she seemingly ignored your gaze. You didn't know why people kept giving you these nicknames. Shrimpy and Henchmen... However, Leona didn't refer to you as herbivore as he did to Yuuka, he called you veal. How fun.

You shook off the thought, looking over your shoulder at your night stand, upon it laid a mask. Not one of those protective mouth coverings to prevent sickness, but rather something to cover you face and a whole. You didn't know why you hid your face at school... But it made you feel safe. It gave you the same comfort of a hoodie, something warm to hide behind. Someone no one could see your whole self as, making you feel less bare.

You'd put it on once you finished getting dressed. You opened the dresser to find your clothes missing.


You turned around only to see Yuuka taking off her shirt.


You felt something brush against your foot and you screamed. Yuuka flinched alongside with Grim. Both of them glancing around the room looking for whatever freaked you out. Yuuka has fought people for you before... She will definitely do it again. The same always goes for Grim. Except him setting a kid on fire- Definitely didn't look good on anyone's part.

"What!? What's Wrong?! [Name]!"

"AH! Oh- Wait... Nevermind." You forgot you set up your clothes on your nightstand the previous night. They just fell on the floor and you brushed your foot against them. Both of them calmed down, Grim in particular was blinking at you, annoyed. "Henchmen... The Almighty Grim has no time to worry about your fear of fabric!"

"S...sorry! I thought it was a spider." You turned around and got dressed mentally cursing at yourself for freaking them both out this early in the morning. You didn't know why you felt so jumpy, but it definitely had to do something with your recent dreams, not to mention the weirdest things that'd ring in your ear.

The last thing you heard was still echoing through your head, you wished you didn't hear these kinds of things... But at the same time. Some wishes were lovely to hear. Some were sweet. Some were sad. They all varied which is what made them so special. You slipped your last bit of clothing on, covering your face with your mask.

A part of you wanted to walk around without it... But for the moment... You kept all parts about you secret. Gender, Face, Identity. You didn't even tell them your real name. But then again... Maybe it's for the best you don't.

A sudden ringing struck your eardrums and you hissed, holding your ear with you hand as it ached. Yuuka, who had long since finished dressing, placed a hand upon your back, rubbing up and down.

"Hey Trinket, are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine. Let's just head out..."

"I wish for one second you would notice me watching you, every moment of everyday. I'm not longer content with just staring. Sooner or later, little rabbit. Your beauty will be mine."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now