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Dear [Name],

I'm sorry I poisoned you. Silver said it was salmonella, which is odd because... I cooked chicken, not salmon. Nonetheless, I am deeply sorry for making you sick. I am also sorry for not taking you to the E.R.



Dear [Name],

I am so sorry. I should've warned you about my fathers cooking. Also, I believe I should tell you that you were legally pronounced dead for 30 seconds. So, that happened. I am enterally sorry. There are no words I can give you to describe it. If there is anything you ever need, ever. I promise it shall be given to you. Once again very sorry...


Dear Child of Man,

My soul shall forever mourn for my mistakes. I am sincerely sorry. I didn't wish to sway you away from enjoyment, but I wish I had more of a stomach to let you know of my caregiver. His cooking can be lethal, especially to delicate beings. I am sorry for the illness cast upon you... I understand if you wish to terminate our friendship after this, it is okay. If you need anything, ever, remember I am in debt to you for the suffering I've caused. Please, recover. Rest well.


Malleus Draconia

Dear [Name],

When you wake up, leave.


- P.s. I hoped you would've DIED. Malleus wastes to much time with you  and your moral flesh is an unnecessary distraction. Nonetheless, I wish you a swift recovery. NOT because I wish you well but because Malleus does. Don't ever begin to think I care about YOU.

A plush bed encompassed your body, you tried to touch your face only to forget about the porcelain mask blocking your touch. You sat up, staring at the bed. Why was it gigantic? Literally. It was nearly 7 to 8 feet tall, you gripped the fabric with your free hand and stared at the little notes left for you with the other.

E.R.? Sickness? You barely remembered what happened, clutching the cards, you listened to the distant sound of heels approaching. Shifting your legs, you groaned, everything ached, you decided to stay still as the door opened, your mind still hazy.

"How long...? Where...am I? Hello?" Lilia walked in, using magic to carry a set of tea behind him. He smiled at you but also looked a tad nervous.

"Oh! You're awake! I was starting to believe you had died...again." He whispered the last part as you rubbed your eyes, trying to wake yourself up, "Anyways! You've been out for like four days... After, the incident."


"Did you not read the cards, dear? I accidentally poisoned you. I am truly sorry. But... The results of that were... Certainly something. I sent your little cat friend home while you, uh... Vomited a lot, did other things as well," He whispered something under his breath, "...died for a second."


"Anyways! I had someone make tea for you, dear! I know you need to recover! That one blonde fellow has been bugging me about you, threatening to curse me, yadayada. He acted as if you were his everything!" He continued ramblings as he poured you a cup of tea, you glanced at his fingers looking for a straw. He knew what you wanted and his silent answer was no.

"Which is odd because I already knew you have no love interest. Because you tell me everything, right? We are besties, as you say. When you get sent back, tell that man to stop sending me death threats." He continued rambling, you started at the cup, bringing it to your lips as he did.


"Are you listening? Oh dear, you must still be sick... You are more than welcome to stay in Malleus's bed a little longer! It's probably a better off option then what you have back at home anyways..."

"Huh? What is happening? I'm... MALLEUS'S BED!? Oh Stevens, I'm sorry. I must've made life so hard for him without his things, I'll leave."

"No dear! Please stay!" You felt his gloved fingers upon you shoulder, pushing you down into the bed. You felt your cheeks fluster as he leaned over you, pining you to the bed.


"I insist!~"


The entire Pomefiore dorm shook, birds nearby all took off in flight. Vil's face for the first time turned pink, his eyebrows furrowed and his posture drooped for a second, he snatched Grim off the ground immediately.

"Raw chicken- GAH!"

"AND YOU ARE TELLING ME THIS NOW!? GRIM, YOU LITTLE... HAVE YOU NO CARE OF THEIR WELLBEING?" Grim squirmed as Vil clutched the scruff of his neck, using him as a stress ball for that moment. Rook bit his lip at the sight, such an aggression beauty.

"Oh my..." Rook murmured, staring at his beautiful Vil in such an angered state. He looked so beautiful, even when disheveled and angry. Like a radiant queen, her harsh ruling never taking away from her continuous lingering beauty. He spaced out for a second, a blush creeping up his face as Vil turned to him, angry.

"ROOK. GET THEM NOW." He snapped out of his trance, bowing his head, taking steps back out the room.

"At once, roi du poison..."

"What's the problem?" Grim hissed, clawing at Vil's wrist only to be thrown on the ground. Vil paced around the room anxiously. Raw chicken. Raw chicken. Who in their right mind!? He knew something was off when Lilia wouldn't let him see you. This was why. He POISONED you. How dare he. (Despite how Vil poisoned you himself in the past-).

"The problem, grim, is that humans can't eat RAW POULTRY. They get sick and they get diseased. Things like salmonella and food poisoning and..." He paced around the room, revealing a side of himself Epel and Grim haven't seen before. He probably did so because it was just them two anyways.


"Oh my sevens, I feel faint. Epel get a chair." Epel groaned, standing up from his current chair and dragging it over. Vil opened his phone, aggressively begining to send texts over to Rook. He picked up a vial of an unknown substance from his desk. Grim pushed himself off the ground and murmured something under his breath.

"They only stopped breathing for a few minutes-" Vil dropped the vial instantly, rapid nosies of heel clicking as he ran out the room. Stopped breathing. You stopped breathing? Yeah no. Maybe it was best to keep you in sight after all. Epel grimaced, pushing the chair back as Grim curled up on the floor, he couldn't help but feel guilty on that very moment.

"NEVERMIND, Since everyone is so incompetent. I'M PICKING THEM UP MYSELF."

"I wish I knew what the fuck was happening."

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