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Azul felt the night air caress him like a longing lover, fleeting yet confiding. It brush against his ears, kissing the brim of them and whispering sweet nothings, as the wind whispered Azul found himself at a draw. He had sat you down and talked you through your symptoms. He was just at a loss as to what it was.

He brought his gloves to his face, standing far from Ramshackle dorm and staring at it in a type of longingly. Not for the place, but for the people. He inhaled the scent on his gloved, deep in thought. What was wrong with you? Could it be overblot? Could it be poison? He inhaled once more before pulling away from his glove, be stared at it. The scent was off.

He thought back to your teacup, the tea was not poison at least not then. So, of the tea wasn't poisoned... The cup must've been cursed. You are always having a lingering hold upon dishes and cutlery but the things specifically given to you... Must be things ment to curse you. He furrowed his brows together, looking back up at the dorm. He couldn't warn you right now, he needed to think for a second.

And thinking was the exact same thing you did. You sat on the plush mattress, not lying down but still just gazing at the wall. The conversation between you and Azul lingered in your mind. Now that you've truly thought about it. You've never faced a lot of human problems as often as others. You've never been sick.

The only time you could remember was... Was a long, long time ago. You hissed, holding your head within the palms of your hand, falling backwards on the mattress as you felt another memory return to you. A memory of a time that seemed so long ago. So faded with time, just like all of your memories.

"My mother told me to do this for you. Hospitality is important to her." You blinked at your dear friend. He didn't want to get you a drink out of his own hospitality but rather from the word of his mother, which he hardly listened to anyways.

You stared at the oddly dark foul smelling drink and looked up at him in confusion. He seemed to be instant that you try it, motioning with his fingers that you do. With slight hesitation, you brought the cup to your lips, quickly taking in a mouthful and gulping. You placed the cup down as quickly as you received it after.

He stared at you so intently, searching for a reaction. You only coughed a bit after the big sip. It was horrid. Obviously cinnamon tea but something within it made it painfully spicy and to a painful degree at that. He sighed at the sight of your coughing, as if some humanity was left in him, he placed a glass of water apon the table did you.

"You don't...feel all that I'll, or anything? Correct?" You held the glass of water to your lips, raising a brow at his words.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh... Well. I accidentally put rat poison in it. But I figured since rats like it so much, it couldn't so bad. It didn't kill you." You felt a lump in your throat. Did he just experiment with your life? He frowned at the face you gave him, "I'm sorry. Sometimes my impulses are hard to control. I promise I won't do anything like that again. I know it may seem unforgivable but please stay. You truly are my only friend. From now on Only our maid may serve you."

"I... What if it did kill me?" He went silent for a second, the hamster wheel in his head clearly spinning to made the correct choice. He wanted to make a humane choice. Which only showed his disingenuine nature at heart. But during this time, you were far to young to have any sense of personal morale. You considered an apology, an apology. What's done is done.

"Then I'd be very sad. I'd be sad that you'd slip away from me because of my selfish impulses." You huffed, crossing your arms. You both were still so young then. One of you naive, the other to aware of the world for their own good. He took the cup from the table, staring at the contents. He at least knows now that only a little rat poison won't kill someone, he'd need more.

"You're weird..."

"I am."

"But that's okay... I can enjoy weird. I'ma little weird myself! Just... It's bad to take the lives of others! Don't you know they won't come back? That'd make you a bad person too." He hummed in response, leaving the room with the still warm cup of tea, smiling for once without you noticing as he stared at the crimson red that had dripped and now swirled in the drink.

He couldn't kill you. You were to fun to have around. The perfect friend. No. The perfect pet. His mother stood in the kitchen, watching her son pour tea down the drain. She knew of the malice brewing inside him, yet she only turned her heel In disappointment. Disgusted in herself that her own son was becoming something so ill.

"I wish I would've figured out the problem sooner. I have a feeling I know who's cursed you, dear. But I still need some time to think. I'll save you, don't worry."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now