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"Ain't sleeping in on today of all days! Get yer behind outta bed!" A harsh tug to the ear made you snort awake, drool dripped down the side of your face inside the mask, the humidity causing stray baby hairs to stick to the side of your face, uncontrollably so.

"Five more minutes... Practice is at noon anyways."

"Practice is at noon anyways!~" Epel mocked, batting his eyes at you like he was a pretty girl, you grunted trying to tuck your masked face back into the covers only for them to be ripped off, "What's da matter with ya!? You know the song and dance championship is TODAY, right?"


He tugged you off the bed as it finally dawned on you. As Vil's words from last night had finally dawned on you. They rung in your head like a horrible echo, why today? Of all days?

"We have a big day tomorrow after all."

"We have a big day tomorrow after all."

"We have a big day tomorrow after all."

"Way to warn me, Vil." You murmured to yourself as Epel pulled you along with him, pushing you into your closet after giving you a good shaking to wake up. You needed to dress quickly, it was 11:23... Vil would beat your ass, you could smell the grills being fired up. You could only dread what the day had held for you, slipping on the rest of your outfit, and checking your phone.

You scrolled through your phone typing away as you walked along side Epel to get to Vil's assigned destination. Performance at noon. You'd be performing today, in front of dozens of people. No, not dozens. Hundreds of people.

Message received from Cay-Cay ✨

My body is ready. So, so very ready for today

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

Mine ain't, you aren't even going to be like... Under the amount of pressure that I am under.

Message received from Danger Dilf

Why is it safe to eat steak not fully cooked but it isn't with chicken? What's the difference?

Message received from Cay-Cay

Remind me to never and I mean never... Eat something you make, if you have that mentality.

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

Nice to know y'all care about me and my problems

Message received from Danger Dilf

I made you a potato salad for good luck

Message received from Cay-Cay

Because that's going to help them feel less nervous #potatosaladforthebestie

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

I feel like if I eat I'll throw up... Or shit myself or something oh sevens...

Message received from Danger Dilf

Just don't wear white then, dearie. Come hither, I'll spoon feed you some before your performance.

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

Is it safe?

Message received from Danger Dilf

Of course it is! Silver made it before I could start on in... He saw my tabs open on my computer, such a prepared young man! <333

Message received from Cay-Cay

Actually bestie... Why have you been gone for like a week?

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

Ask Lilia.

Message received from Danger Dilf

Oh, well you see

Message received from Danger Dilf

I poisoned them! Nothing to serious, they were only pronounced dead for just 30 seconds after all.

Message received from Cay-Cay

I... I see why you've told no one. There are people in this school that's skewer you hearing that, literally.

Message received from Danger Dilf

Oh please! It was a simple mistake... After all, you wouldn't skewer me would you!

Message received from Danger Dilf

Would you?

Message received from Danger Dilf


"[Name]. Vil is waiting on you." Epel whisper yelled, you looked up from your phone to see an angry pair of purple eyes followed the the various other nervous ones.

"Are you done on that thing? I, no, we can't tolerate distractions today. Period. Now that I see everyone is here. I suppose we can begin." Shoving you phone in the back of your pockets, you felt your heart tremble, your very soul even.

"The time will be 3 p.m. The place will be the Purple Stage set up in the coliseum. Then and there, the Song & Dance Championship will finally kick off. Remember... The competition will be streamed live worldwide." He sent a glance to you, staring at your porcelain white bunny mask. He seemed nervous himself, nervous for you.

"I trust all of you are ready?" He finished. And although everyone said yes, Vil's gaze lingered in you. Could you handle the world staring at you head on? Or was it could the world handle seeing you?

He wondered if either was true. A part of him was excited. This was the time you'd really be blossoming, turning into someone stronger more confidence, more power. You'd take the world by storm with your unique features, the small mask that lay upon your face. But then again... Does the world even deserve to see you? He could always just cut you off and keep you to himself.

He bit his lip, he still had a few minutes before rehearsals. He walked off to his private room, needing a moment to himself. Leaning against the wall to his room, he brought his hands to his lips, he's been feeling so odd as off lately. Not noticing the black droplets that'd fall off his free hand, hitting the floor and disappearing into nothing.

What was this incredible ache? Had you poisoned him? That must've been it. He moved his hand and clenched his chest as it ached, the free hand having producing more dark matter by the second as he did. You poisoned his heart, didn't you? No, that couldn't be it, you must've cursed him. You gentle hands gripped his world for heart and squeezed a curse of tender passion into it.

How could it be... That a poison master... That a man who's curses could be rendered unbreakable... Had a curse laid upon him? Now he could only begrudgingly squeeze the fabric on his shirt as pain seared through him. How dare you ruin his beauty?You've ruined him. You've ruined the beauty queen.  You've left the queen fall... After all, in a game of chest, the queen is the easiest piece to take.

"I wish I didn't feel like every moment I spend with you... Such the beauty from me bit by bit. You've ruined me. But what are you going to do to fix that... What am I going to do?"

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now