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"I'm a bit frightened, Tsunotarou."

The words felt like a stake drive through Malleus's chest. He stared at Yuuka, whom sat on the cold concrete floor visibly distraught. She was his other dear human friend, one that didn't treat him like a monster. He couldn't help but be plagued with a type of hurt from hearing those words. A part of him truly believed that... Maybe it has been himself that scared them?

"Of what?"

"Of what's happening. It's overwhelming. I feel so powerless. You've meet [Name], who am I kidding, you've hung out with them before... They've recently have fell ill, Tsunotarou, really ill. They can only last so long on a temporary pain relief before falling, or going unconscious.

"They...  are sick?" He looked away, not knowing how to process those words. He knew you were human. He knew how easy it was to extinguish the life of one as well. But he didn't want you leaving so early. You still had so much time to live. Why are human lives so fragile? Why are human lives so fleeting?

"Yes and I'm afraid that... That they'll actually have to leave here to be somewhere more secure. Vil says he can help her but... I worry. She'll leave me, she'll leave us both. I don't want to see her end up bedridden. Sevens... I hope it'll pass, I hope it's just a nasty common cold."


Yuuka feeling a odd type of grief claw at her, she felt as if her strength around her lively friends was dwindling. Needing a moment for herself she quickly blurted out, "I've got to go. I'm sorry for giving you something to worry about. Get some rest tonight, Tsunotarou. You deserve it."

He watched her leave as quickly as she came, turning his gaze to the moon. He couldn't help but feel that disgusting ache in his heart he felt with you before. The one of your fleeting nature, the one of your kind words. He felt your laughter and comments with him in the air he breathed, with him in the stars.

He was mourning for something he hadn't even lost. He missed you already. He for the second time in his life found himself wishing something amongst the stars. How he wished life wasn't so fleeting, how he wished he could cradle humans lives like how your soft hands cradled his heart, protecting it from pains, giving it joy, yet those ever so giving hands never failed to squeeze. Perpetually leaving an ache in his heart.

You carried the scent of the stars, the aura of them as well. As if the universe had kissed you to life itself, carving you out of the tears of stargazed wishes. He's seen stars fade. There are some nights, he'd look up at the sky and notice a star was missing. He just prayed that next star wouldn't be you.

"I wish I had the power to give you humanity and life. But those things simply are destined for failure. One will forever be fleeting and the other the same. They simply can't be together forever. There's always a day where one of them falls, leaving the other behind completely. I wish I could help you live longer without taking your humanity, I wish I could give you life without sacrificing the lives around you. I wish you could just be okay... Little human. I never would've wished anything less."

The words rung in your ears, it filled you with a sense of grief as you stared at the ceiling, unmoving. You wanted to say something. Anything really. But you knew you shouldn't get up when after just a few steps you'd faint. Yet, you took that risk anyways. Forcing yourself up towards the door as a wish burning with a grand amount of desire ached in your other hand.

The door was locked. They must've knew you'd try something like that. Especially Yuuka. You couldn't help but vibrate with disgust. You weren't weak. You've always had some strength. You've always been strong. If not physically, mentally. You didn't deserve this... You wanted to at least get some freedom.

Feeling a kiss of the moon fallen breeze, you glanced at the window. You really shouldn't. That's a big fall. A dangerous fall nonetheless. Yet, some dark part of your mind beckoned you closer until all you could see was the drop below and the sky full of stars. Lizzy wasn't happy. You heard him yourself. He was worried about you.

You didn't want that. To plague his mind like a sickness, no. You wanted to remind him that you'd be okay. Giving into the dark part of your mind, you fell two storys down the Ramshackle dorm, hitting a bush then the floor with a very hard thud. The wind was knocked out of you and your vision slowly followed suite. You couldn't stand the pain but the faint whispers of the wish called to you, tugging at your little human heart.

Malleus glanced over his shoulder, intrigued by the constant noise fluttering Ramshackle as of late. He turned back to the stars. You rolled over, your night wear getting dusted with dry dirt and your strength dwindling by the second as you forced yourself up and after your dear friend.

The thing he didn't expect was to find you a few feet away, faint as could be. Despite that lingering weakness, you found him. Despite the fact you were now bruised, not to mention bleeding. The wish burning in your fingertips from true ambition. He frowned at the sight of you. He knew you came out for him but you shouldn't be here. Not while you were like that. Not at all.

"You... Child of Man, why are you out of bed? It's late and I'm aware that you aren't in any good state to be here." He stared at the blood slowly seeping from your arms, his immortal heart becoming ever so human for a second as guilt flooded in his veins.

"I'm aware... But... You look lonely. I couldn't help but wonder if something was the matter."

"You mustn't worry about me. I'm not human. I never am and I never will be. I do not fall pray to illness as you."

"It's not illness, Lizzy. It's in here." You pressed your hand on your heart, "We as a society have come so accustomed to saying everything is fine. Rather then admitting with something is truly wrong. We've convinced ourselves that is what we must do to avoid judgement, or worry. When the most human thing to do, the most normal, is to embrace those feelings we have. The world may tell you otherwise and I'm sorry it's done that to you."

There was a brief silence between you both. The only noise do be hear was the gentle chirping of crickets and occasional rustles gifted upon leaves from the wind. He seemed almost unreadable for a second, before smiling, "You have such an odd way of speaking, little human. You never fail to amuse me. Thank you for your breath. But I do believe it's time you rest."

"Ah... So soon? I jumped out a window to get here, I was hoping we could talk a little longer..."

"What." His eyes went wide as you waved off his concern like a hand to a mosquito. You slowly shifted against the fence, sliding down in exhaustion. You didn't think that moving around just a little bit would make you so tired. You felt sore all over, hot all over, sick all over. Yet you choked it back to look at your friend.

"I just wished to check on you. That's all. I was worried you may have thought I was avoiding you with club activities and our usual meetups." He stared at you as you tried to force yourself awake. No succumbing to sleep just to spare a word or two with someone who has millions beyond your feeble comprehension.

"I quite understand. There is no time to be owed to me. But there is some you owe to yourself. Rest is important for you. Sickness can kill." You hummed in response, staring at the sky. A familiar warmth always embraced you when you did such a thing, like the stars greeted you each time, reminding you, you always had a place amongst them.

Malleus feeling guilt nip away at him, used a small bit of magic to whisk you off to sleep. Watching you yawn and slowly submit to a temporary spell, he could only wonder what adventures he'd have with you on another day. A day where you weren't sick, nor tired. He hummed a soft tune as he transported you back into Ramshackle. Leaving you in the living room with a black quit blanket around you as a gift.

The star in your hands burnt with completion, your soul finally able to rest a little easier that night. As little patterns of starlight decorated the room upon Malleus's leave,

"Good night... my dear child of man. I wish that in this next life. I may see you again and again. For no matter what world I'm in, a world is nothing without a person like you."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now