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The smell was immaculate but you were far from happy. This was not spaghetti made by Yuuka, this was steamed fish made by Trey. You crinkled your nose, it certainly wasn't what you had in mind for dinner, but it's the result of having Riddle force you to stay for dinner.

"A nutritionally balanced meal, really.  Steamed fish to avoid heavy oils that'd clog your arteries, steamed asparagus and potatoes as the sides. Nothing can do wrong with a meal that both provides green to your diet and that heathy amount of starch from potatoes."

The only thing you could think about was, that sounds fucking disgusting. But not that bad. You could live with it. Food was food in your eyes. You weren't about to complain about being fed. Riddle sat straight, smiling over a cup of tea, pleased to be in your company. Yet, you still could see the bags under his eyes and the lingering sadness in them as well.

Despite being so sad just moments ago, he still managed to be the most strick person you knew. Watching you intently, as you picked up a random fork, he felt his eye twitch at the etiquette you were displaying, you hesitantly put down the fork as he glared down at you, threateningly.

"That's a salad fork."

"Oh, my apologies."

You stared at all the different utensils around you, confused. You reaching above the plate grabbing a different fork making his eye twitch once more, you didn't know any etiquette. It's not your fault. This usually isn't a problem at Ramshackle. Usually, you just eat with a fork, occasionally, your hands if the food allows it.

"That's a cake fork."


You placed it back down, listening to a few giggles from a few students nearby. They were laughing at you. Riddle sent a harsh glare their way. How were you supposed to know such things? This wasn't your idea of fun. You just wanted to go back to Ramshackle. You missed being a poor little rat. At least no one judged the way you ate. You picked up the closest fork to you, watching him nod in approval.

"Yes, correct. That is a dinner fork. But in different situations that'd be the fish fork."


"The farthest to the left is the salad fork, the second to that is fish, and the closest to you should be dinner. But since fish is dinner. You are just being given a dinner fork."

"Well, shouldn't it technically be a fish fork instead?"

"No, it shall not."

"But why not."

"...Because that ISN'T a fish fork.

"Then how is that fair? Why am I being given a dinner fork for fish? When it should be a fish for for fish?"

"BECAUSE-" He went red at your questions, feeling himself boil before quickly coming to a stop. He was supposed to be controlling his anger, not fueling it, "Because... That's what you eat the main course with, a dinner fork. This is the main course."

You blinked at the thought of it. You have Ace the braincell today, damnit! You knew it was a bad idea to share a single cell with four other individuals. You frowned, was this supposed to be common knowledge? You felt your cheeks heat up as students nearby chattered away, murmuring things and laughing.

"Is he really letting them stay here? Their dumber then a rock."

Riddle seemed to stiffen at the sound of it, but you swat it off. Motioning for Riddle not to react. But he wanted nothing more than to react. How could you not. His cheeks dusted in a pink color, he returned to his own plate, occasionally letting his eyes drift to your face.

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