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Message received from Fairest of them all

Crinkle Cut, I expect you to be here today. For once, listen... Please. I'm asking nicely.

Yet the entire day you went without responding. Which was most likely a bad play on your part. You just couldn't stomach the idea of responding and the fact you'd be responding so late as well. You spent the day dreading the fact that, Vil genuinely wanted to to be there. He genuinely wanted you to perform.

Ace and Deuce has told you Vil let them off on the first day because you weren't there. He let them leave because he refused to continue without your presence. But now it was the actual day you would be there. You couldn't help but clutch your hands as you followed behind them, agonizingly slowly. You did not want to show up. You remembered Epel's words and could only silently apologize in spirit as Ace whined about the pace you were walking.

"Come on, you aren't going to die! Would it kill you to walk a little faster. Vil will roast us alive if we are late...  Just a minute less." Ace shuttered as you stood stiffly, Deuce taking note of your resilience.

"If they don't want to... They don't have too, you know?"

"Well, it's for the school. I'm sure Crowley wouldn't be all that happy if they suddenly just dropped out the performance." Ace sighed, he really didn't want you on Crowley's bad side. The thought of you being thrown out the school worried him, he reached for the door handle on Pomefiore only for it to swing open.

"Time is of the essence!~ Young Chatons! You mustn't leave Vil waiting, I assure you! Picking up the pace will leave him in a better off mood." Everyone flinched as Rook stood in front of the Pomefiore entrance. He bowed, holding the door open for everyone as Grim huffed, his fur going on end. He stared at Rook as if something was wrong with him.

"Monsieur Fuzzbal! What is the problem? Quelque chose ne va pas?"

"N..no! The great and powerful Grim is fine! He fears NO ONE. Especially not some snail eating creep!"

"Grim! Be nice." Scooping him up in your arms, you felt his disheveled fur and low rumbling from his stomach as he stared at Rook. His little tail swishing angrily while Rook only smiled at the sight, cooing in delight at the cute cat.

"I'll escort you to the ballroom. Roi du poison isn't that happy today. We just keep his mood up... Now, now no more delay!~" You grimaced, fidgeting with your mask anxiously. Your fingers glidded across the material and you screamed internally. You weren't wearing the mask Vil got you. This was Riddles.

You tried to back away, wanting to run back to change it only for Ace to put your wrist in a death grip to prevent you from running away, he was not about to get smoked alive by Vil again. It was not the day for that.

You were shoved into the ballroom remaining stiff as a board as Vil looked up from his clipboard. Lips pursed at the sight of everyone in time, but his gaze remained in you. And you knew exactly where he was looking. You wished you would've remembered to switch out your mask, but you were so anxious today, you forgot to do that very thing.

"Oh? Everyone is present today? Not a single one has dropped out. Color me surprised and consider me pleased. Good afternoon, Spudlings."

You didn't have time to listen to him go on a rant about how they were all selected to represent the school an they have to participate in the SDC. Because it ment you'd be the person qualified enough to represent the school. For all you cared about... You were most likely just here for helping Vil. Hopefully.

Rook glanced over the clipboard that'd been handed to him by Vil, reading it off as you spaced out, the only real words that managed to get through your ears were, "The passing students who'll be participate in the SDC completion are  Ace. Deuce. Kalim. Jamil. Epel. [Name]. And finally, myself and Vil."


What. He didn't really say your name did he? What about Grim? What about Yuuka? Grim growled at the sound of it, why weren't him and Yuuka the ones on board. You felt h scrambled out of your arms hopping on the floor with anger. All while you spaced out once more, petrified. Didn't Vil know you had stage fight? Didn't they know you aren't qualified for this? The thought alone made you sick.

The only thing you could do for the remainder of the afternoon was sit in silence as the Headmaster appeared, explaining the role of Grim and Yuuka. Yet, he never said a word as to why you were selected. He was only focused on the team building exercise. The only thing you did manage to notice in that moment...
Was an absolutely petrified Epel.

"I wish... I... I ain't got nothing to say this time, Sugarplum. Ya didn't get away, I understand.. I wish things were different. I wish I coulda taken you back to my farm and at least kept you in a safer place. Because this ain't the place for ya... This ain't the place for us. I'm sorry I failed you."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now