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So, there you were. You didn't know if it was the right choice, really. But you choose to come to him anyways, standing outside the sealed off door to Riddles room. The wish burning within your fingers, you slipped it into your pocket, feeling yourself hesitate to even move. You didn't move, you stood there, listening to your own heart beat.

Every part of you screamed at you to move. Something was wrong. You needed to check, you needed to help. You knocked on his door, only to receive silence as a response. You knocked once more, surprised at such a thing. He wasn't answering.

You pressed your ear to the door, listening to the occasional shuffle, but no actual response. Riddle is going to kill you. Riddle is going to kill you, you thought as you turned his doorknob, slipping into his room and locking the door behind you. The room was dark. You could only hear sniffling noises coming from the other side of the room.

"Riddle? Are you okay?"

"Go away. Haven't you any respect for someone's privacy..."

"Is that what you really want?"


You quietly stepped over, feeling such a heavy invisible weigh clawing at you, holding you back. Yet at the same time. That weight felt like it didn't exist. You had to much in your heart to let it exist. Hearing his wish play over and over, hearing his sorrow. You quickly found yourself right besides him, sitting on the edge of the bed as he faced away from you.

He clutched his blanket. He felt so bad now. He felt embarrassed especially. How could he allow himself to be seen like this? So pitiful. So weak. He felt his hands trembling as he held his own face, angrily wiping tears away. He found it hard to know what to even feel, what to even do, what is perfection if he doesn't even know who he is.

"Riddle... You know," You struggled to find words, not knowing what to do with your hands, no knowing what to say, "You know that you have a place here, right?"


"You aren't done burden, you aren't hated, there are people like me who love you, you have a place. I know it can seem hard... That's because it is. It's hard going through life with such conflicting feelings and thoughts, you have no reassurance. What makes it even harder is when you find yourself without someone who will tell you it's okay."

You placed your hand upon his back, rubbing circles into it. You scooted up towards his side, sitting up besides the boy. His breathing was soothed, no longer was he sobbing, he only sniffled in silence as you picked your words carefully.

"Life is not perfect. It never will be, Riddle. And I know since it's one of the things you strive for, it's important to you. But you also have to remember... Riddle, you are only human. It's bound to happen that you will make a mistake, it's bound to happen that you will never know where your life takes you. And that's scary. Because the truth is we'll always see where our lives go blindly. But..."


"But you'll never be alone. I'm here, Trey is here, Ace, Deuce, Cater, the world, the stars. We feel the same pain, I promise you." He shifted upwards, staring at you with big doe eyes, he seemed almost like a child, he seems as he did when he overblot. "We want you to stay. I want you to stay. This is your home, we'll be here for you. I promise."

He slowly leaned forward, hesitant on what to do. You grasped his form, pulling him into your chest as he trembled from the contact. The words of reassurance. First, he had been acting like a small child when he overblot. Now he was just desperate for that. That comfort of another. No fear in your words, no fear of his presence, only acceptance and love.

You dragged him downwards with you, holding him to yourself as you stared off into space. Feeling your fingers run through his smooth red locks. His arms squeezed all parts of your being, holding you like a lifeline. He felt like he would die if you would've left him.

You removed one hand from him, scooping out that wish from your pocket as Riddle's face remain in your chest. You brought it to your face, smiling. It no longer glew an bitter color, it burned brightly like the other stars, slowly burning completely within your fingertips. For it was no longer his real wish, vanishing away with time, it left small twinkles that decorated the darkness, dancing in silence to the beats of your hearts.

"I'm sorry if the world has been cruel to you."

You murmured, yawning as he yet out one in return. He pulled away from you, staring at you in silence, idly. A pout on his lips as he stared at the details of your mask, bringing his hand to your own and silently holding it to himself. Until, of course, he heard that dreadful buzzing.

With eyebrows furrowed, he glared at your phone. You plucked it out if your pockets feeling your chest tighten at the words.

Message received from Fairest of them all

Crinkle Cut. Where are you? Didn't you receive the memo? We have training to do! Come here, please. Don't keep me waiting.

Leave? You'll have to leave? No. You can't. You can't leave. You can't. You promised him. You just got here. Before you could even respond he let out a choked cry, latching onto you like you were all he had. And in his mind, you were. You think you could leave as soon as you came? Was the help you gave him a sick tease!? You can't leave. You can't.

"Don't. Please! I need you.." He cried out, squeezing onto you, suffocatingly so. All you could think about was how this clinginess somehow reminded you of Azul.


"Don't. Leave."

"I'm not Riddle, I'm not. Relax, I'm here." For some reason that sweetness in the air earlier had soured. The words in from mouth only left a lingering bitter taste in your own. You've never seen Riddle in such a state, so desperate yet still so demanding. It was a bit... scary. In a way.

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

Sorry, Vil. Not today! I have some stuff to do! Maybe some other time.

Message received from Fairest of them all

What do you mean, dear? Are you really going to spend your day wasting away? Come here. I need you for something.

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

No, I'm just busy today. Maybe another time.

Message received from Fairest of them all

No. That another time better be you ON time tomorrow. I'll let this slide for now, Crinkle Cut. But next time... Don't disappoint.

Riddle smirked as you placed your phone back down. He could only assume that number was Vil. And he could only feel little bubbles of happiness in his stomach that you stayed loyal to him and truthful to your words over Vil. Yet, he could also feel that boiling anger on the other end of the phone.

And boiling anger was exactly what Vil had.

"I wish... I WISH YOU WOULDN'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON SUCH... such... Invasive vermin."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now