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Sometimes thoughts would plague your mind. That thought being your friends. You loved them. You couldn't help but think about your friends 24/7. But they never told you about performing. They never told you they were going to perform. You furrowed your brows together, deep in thought until a sensation brushed against your back.

For the first time in a while, you felt genuine fear for a second. You screeched, not liking the scars of your past to be touched in the slightest. You didn't think trauma would come back to haunt you, but it always found a way. You whipped around immediately to a now concerned Ace and Deuce.

"S... Sorry! You scared me!" Ace clicked his tongue. He knew something was up but decided against it. There was no way a person like yourself who could sleep well at night after watching a horror movie was scared of a tap. But ultimately, he respected you enough to shut his mouth.

"Sureee... You ready for class? History today... Yuck." Ace sighed, his hands put behind his head.

"Yeah, I'm ready." That was a obvious lie. You hadn't studied in days. In fact, you have done the exact opposite of being productive. "Actually I have a question for y'all... Are you seriously doing a performance? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, we figured you were busy. It's also not a real big thing, just a try out. We most likely won't even get accepted. Plus, we never wanted to interrupt your sleeping." Deuce reassured you, patting your shoulder fondly. You were about to relax until your senses told you Ace was out to put you in a bad mood.

"Or your time with him." Ace hissed, visibly annoyed with the time you've been spending with Vil, "I don't know why you even bother! He rated us 5 out of 100! That guy he's... He's mean. Not to mention I'm pretty sure that guy is evil."

"Hey! Watch your tone, you don't know what people are going through-"

"He is literally rich and living in lavish." Ace crossed his arms, unamused. Grim nodded his head in agreement with Ace.

"You don't know what people are going through. Living in lavish doesn't mean living with comfort. He probably has his own struggles and insecurities like everyone else. You should respect everyone, Ace."


"No, not him. Come on, we know better then to do that." Yuuka snickered at your words. Crowley had become a taboo subject. Since he was in oh so much of a hurry to have Yuuka returning home. You all laughed, ignoring the world around you as students passed in an obvious rush to get to class. You didn't notice Vil. And Vil most certainly noticed you. And he hated it.

Vil felt a smile come onto his face. How absurd. He tried to put it back down but his facial muscles betrayed him. He couldn't bring himself to admit he was happy. You didn't view him as mean, not evil... You genuinely viewed him as a friend. He cleared his throat and quickly walked past the group of Spudlings. He had advanced Potionology to get to anyhow.

Not before quickly glancing back at you, you were wearing the mask he got you. He began walking faster as his smile grew, Rook following right behind him like a puppy, curious to know what's got his beautiful Vil in such a good mood. 

Class started quickly and the day became painstakingly slow. Not to mention you felt like eyes were on you constantly. It's only once you hit third period that you realized... Azul has not stopped staring at you. You noticed when you glanced up once in class, looking at the board to take notes. He was staring, his fingers twitching. Something was definitely up.

Message received from Ace'd it

Yo what's fish fry doing with all the staring....

Message received from I.Q. 2 🏀🐟

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now