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Your brain felt fried with all that's been going on. So many events, so many things, so much people. You leaned your head down upon your desk. History. You didn't want to fall asleep. You really didn't. You wished Floyd came to class today, but instead he skipped. So you were left fishless and bored.

You mind wandered to other places as Triens voice began to become background noises to your own thoughts. What is Lizzy doing today? How come you never see him in class? You began doodling little horned dudes all over your textbook while something began to tickle your back.

You shifted in your seat, swatting away the pen that was poking your back. You could smell them and know who it was. The teasing only continued as the lesson drones on and on. Seemingly taking forever, really. The person behind you of course was-

'Hello, veal."

"Get going kitty..."

Leona slouched at the sound of you, tucking his head halfway in his arms as he lay his head down on the desk. He smirked when he saw your briefly glance back at him, although, for some it would be hard to tell with such a thing upon your face. Although, he couldn't see it, you weren't looking at him, you were looking at the fact his tail was swaying without him even realizing it.

"Hmph... Can't, you should know that." He signed, looking up at the professor who seemed to only get farther and farther with each boring syllable, "And I'm bored. And tired."

"Then sleep."

"Mmm... Good idea."

"Good... It's the only thing your useful for anyways." You whisper as he occasionally would intertwine a hand with your locks, playing with your hair like some cat toy. He dropped the hair abruptly before purring,

"But I don't think I will." You rolled your eyes, continuing to doddle all over the paper, drawing a yourself with your brain hoping out and running all over the page. He huffed at your silence, only for his huff to turn into one of anger. His eyebrows furrowed together at the sight for that horned bastard on your page.

"I, hey... Is that Malleus? Why are you drawin' that prick? Don't you know better? Or even a thing about him?" You didn't bother looking up, just letting your hand freely doodle random things. Sometimes Lizzy, sometimes grim, and sometimes rook in a little box far away from all the other drawings.

"Haven't a clue, Leona. Haven't a clue who that is, nor whatever grave sin they've imposed upon your life. I'm sorry for such a tragedy. I didn't mean to remind you, Milord Gruntling.."

"I'm telling you veal. Those fae are bad news." You turned around, putting your head atop his desk and looking at him. Did his face always scrunch up that much when he was angry, or is he getting old? Either way, if you both were having this conversation now, you at least wanted to know his reasoning face to face.

"But some fae are so... Nice. How could that be? Lilia is nice, Sebek... can be nice. My friend who you've called a fae is also nice. So, they can't be all that bad, no?"

"No matter how nice they seem to be remember this... No good deed goes unpunished. Don't catch yourself in whatever they have going on."

"I'll... I'll think about that."

And he hoped you would. Leona despite usually keeping distance from you still cared about you. He cautioned you, looked after you unknowingly, he cared to an extent. And a big part of it is, not because you helped him through overblot, but because he could smell you.

He had known for a while that you were a girl. It's kind of a given to him and some over beastfolk, but he didn't know so much about if it was obvious to merfolk or fae. Either way, it bothered him. It really, really bothered him that you were often left vulnerable like a lamb to the slaughter. Like a calf without protection, you were veal.

If his suspicions we're correct and the fae could smell you like he could. He feared for you in silence. He couldn't always keep an eye on you, but he knew you had friends who would. Yuuka would especially. The only issue is calf need someone to herd them, to look after them, or else they run off on their own.

Leona watched you settle down, snoozing away on the table before a few more thoughts ran through his mind. He never really got over being nervous for you ever since Azul's overblot. How could you be so selfless? When he saw what happened, a part of him still has a hard time resting because of it. Azul hurt you. And he did nothing. He didn't help a girl. He didn't help you.

And he hoped you wouldn't. Both of you seemed blissfully unaware of the presence of other people. Not noticing Lilia at all. He hoped you wouldn't listen to that cute dirty cat. He knew the nature of your character, he hoped you would stick to that, sticking to your friends and loving them no matter what others say.

Plus, Malleus was finally happy. And Lilia intended to keep it that way. It's been days since a thunderstorm and days since his silence. Lilia had come to appreciate you not only as his own friend, but as a friend of someone who truly needs one. A friend of Malleus.

"I wish you don't get yourself tangled up with the fae, veal.  Wether good deal or bad... Wether you are nice or not. The fae are no good for you in this world. Especially, horned bastard."

"I wish Leona would stop wishing for such stupid things. Fae aren't bad at all, he's just a very bitter boy. How childish. I also wish he wouldn't wish his wishes out loud. Fufufu..."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now