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When there's nothing better to do, roaming the halls in search of something that'd be relatively interesting was a good pass time. You passed by the science club room which was seemingly empty. Snooping is fun and snooping is what you'll do. You wanted to join a club soon anyways. It'd be for the good of... Research.

You flipped through textbooks and notes, squinting at some of the equations in confusion. How the fuck. You felt something touching your hair, tensing up like a frightened cat all your hairs going on end. Horror music ran through your head as you slowly turned to the side... Rook was right besides you lying on top of the table, toying with your hair while you snooped.

"Hi rook..."

"Bonjour!~ How are you, Lapin?" You slowly shut the text books along with the notes as he toyed with you. He clearly enjoyed whatever you had going on, finding it alluring. You replied by simply saying you were okay and just looking into the variety of clubs.

"I know you like my hair, mon chéri."

How did he know. Who told him. You could only think of one person... Cater. Snitch. Or maybe the bob was highly intelligent and could sense your very thought? Was rooks hair sentient? He let go of your hair before grasping your hand delicately, bringing it to his cheek, "touch me."


"You may touch me, my hair." You didn't know how to react, feeling the side of his face, brushing your thumb over his smooth skin. Maybe it's be okay. He won't bite... Probably. You traced your fingers up his skin, gently intertwining them into his scalp. Your hands danced through his golden locks, mesmerized by how soft it was. It absolutely was as good as you thought. However, Rook still managed to be the most uncomfortable person to be around 24/7.

"Are you interested in joining
a club?~" Rook purred out while you retracted your hand. He slightly squinted his eyes almost as If he was menacingly glaring as you did so. You wanted to know what kinda thoughts swam around in his head for just one second


"There are a quite a few! I could list them if you'd like?" You nodded as he began, blissfully unaware of what he was thinking. Did you know how beautiful you were? Masked little creature, you are so fascinating, you are so beautiful. He only wished you knew that he knew exactly what you looked like.



He had spent hours watching you slept when Yuu had scattered off to meet up with her night friend. In those moments, he'd bask in your beauty wanting to breathe you in like air. The only thing he was missing we're your eyes. He hadn't a clue what beautiful color lay behind your mask. He wanted too.


"Ew... no"

Little rabbit. He would keep you if he could. You were small and unable to run like him. You may try of course... But he's always caught up to you. Whether you knew such a thing or not. Little rabbit... His lapin. He'd trap you one day, mark his words. For you were no different then any little animal that tries to hide.

"Board Game club?"

"No... I play enough of those with dumb and dumber."

"How about Film Studies?~ That has Roi du poison..."


"OH? You must meet him! Lapin, let me know the next time you are free!" You nodded, not really feeling the idea of going to Rook's dorm. Pomefiore was not your place, you've been there once and someone threw an old makeup brush at you. You didn't feel welcomed that's for sure.

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now