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Yuuka couldn't help but feel an ache in her heart sometimes. She had begun to feel this aching in her heart, a longing. She was telling herself, this isn't love. This is friendship. But how come when she looked at you, she could see you both being together forever? Is this normal? Was this normal?

She never knew where such an impulsive thought came from or why she kept feeling such a thing. She had prided herself in being laid back, a strong friend, protective. But she is begining to lose her grasp on her chill, she no longer feels laid back... She feels like she's walking on nails very time you slip out of sight.

She is your best friend. She tells herself. And best friends always look out for each other. She wants you to be happy. But what about herself? As your fingers slipped lose from her hand, she couldn't help but feel that ache once more. She'll protect you with her life and so will Ace and so will Deuce and so will Grim.

Because if anyone shared the same feelings, the same thoughts, and the same worries. It would be them. Deuce loved you with all of his heart, just as Ace wouldn't admit he also loved you with every ounce of his own. They both could see the twinge of pain in Yuuka's eyes when your hand slipped away. They both felt that same pain when they saw you getting ready to leave.

"Bye y'all! I have to get to my club!"

"Have fun! Don't forget to message me if you're out late."

"The Almighty Grim doesn't understand his Henchmen need such a thing... Isn't he enough already?" You picked him up, holding your little cat to your chest, feeling his little heart flutter against your own.

"He's everything and more. I just like to have some hobbies too, ya know."

"Are you sure you don't want us to walk you there?" Deuce pressed while you rocked back and forth on from your heels to your tippy toes. Your grip on Grim still the same, hugging him and watching him reluctantly stay still as you toyed with him.

"Yeah! What if like... A ghost comes and you need someone to protect you or something. You'd be totally scared and need someone there for you. Just saying... You know!?" Ace scoffed out, crossing his arms.

"And I've only got hurt like once or twice. Never again. I promise. You know me! I'll be back and able to tuck everyone in and read y'all big babies bedtime stories..."

"I am NOT a baby." Grim hissed as you lifted him closer to your face.

"You are absolutely right. You are not a baby... You are MY baby." Grim huffed as you gave him a smooch on the head, placing him down. Okay, maybe he was your baby. Grim's tail swished around immediately being a mixture of annoyed and happy. You began to step away, waving goodbye to your dear friends. While they only looked at you with a type of longing, hesitant to let you go.

"Lizzy! Lizzy! Lizzy!~" You chimed, skipping up besides your dear friend. He smiled at the sight of your enthusiasm, wondering what adventures you had gotten yourself into now.

"Oh? Child of man... You are enthusiastic today. Why is that?" He inquired, his eyes skimming over your figure, listening to you chirp about your day. He gently plucked a leaf outta your hair without you even noticing.

"I'm just happy to see you, I'm always happy to see my friends. Especially the ones I relate too. Besides that... Today? I was stuck with Milord Gruntling."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now