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"Mira, Mira... Who is the most beautiful of all?"

"Neige LeBlanche"

Vil spent the day in deep thought. Conflicted to the core. Was this really helping you? Or was it hurting you? Of course, he loved you. He found himself guilty of that a long time ago. Yet it was now that his choices began to eat away at him like a moth to fabric.

And that name... Neige LeBlanche. It was like a parasite worming around in his head rent free. Oh how he hated it. There was no one in the world who he wanted to hurt more then that rosey cheeked brat. It's only then that he had remembered where his true values lay. He has never wished to hurt you truly, he just did it in the process of what he believed to be right. So no... He never wanted to hurt you. He wanted to hurt those around you. Especially Neige LeBlanche.

Rook ran a brush through Vil's hair, feeling it glide through the locks as if knots didn't even exist to Vil. He was gentle treating the man like glass as Vil sat straight, staring into the mirror  gazing into the eternal abyss known as his own beauty. Vil took a breath in, Rook holding a few locks of his hair in return, waiting in silence for his queen's every word.

"I believe I'm hurting the wrong person, Rook. Is that what I'm doing? Am I... Hurting them? I mean if course... But... Is this love? Or is this torture? I never wanted them to be miserable, I wanted them to have my utmost attention, praise, dedication, loyalty. All while they returned those same things back." Rook dropped the hair, leaning closer to Vil and resting his chin upon the man's shoulder.

"Non, mon amour. But if you truly believe this is wrong then try a different approach."

"I suppose you are right..." Vil brought his right hand to Rook's cheek, cupping it in a loving manner as they stared into the mirror with no real intent to tend to ones beauty, only ones thoughts. Vil's gaze flickered up to the corner of of the room, staring at a very tense Epel.


"What is it baby potato? What do you want?"

"You both are so gay."

Vil pushed Rook's face away from his, crossing his arms at the young boy in front of him, he sad a country boy at heart, that was for sure, "Still such a filthy mouth on you... I suppose it can't be helped. Nonetheless, you needn't worry. I'm stopping what I'm doing. I'll have Rook remove all the teacups from the house at once."

Rook held his cheeks as they spoke, feeling euphoria flood through his veins. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that he loved you both. So very much. Vil's very touch sent shivers down his spine, just as your own. Epel grimaced at Rook, making a grossed out face at the sight of a euphoric Rook who was very obviously, obsessed with Vil.

Epel turned back to Vil, deciding to test his luck by pushing at Vil's buttons, "First, ya poisoned them. Then cursed the stuff you gave them. What else are you going to do?"

"Yes. I know. And people have been catching on... Especially that observant little pest Jamil. But for their sake and my own, I stopped poisoning them." Vil got up, Rook mindlessly always reaching for the loose fabric to Vil's outfit to hold it preventing it from scrunching up it crinkling.

"It was my choice and I deeply regret it. I only wish to value their place in my life, not destroy it. Neige on the other hand... That's another story." Vil murmured, tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear as he walked off, ready to get dressed for the day. He wasn't going to waste his time of freedom. Especially when he called his manager off from giving him the role of a villain. Again.

"Uh huh... So-"

"No," Vil finished for him, turning his heel at the door with Rook behind him, he stared into Epel's soul for a second, "You may not. You keep your pretty like mouth shut. And go fetch normal tea for them. Give them the antidote from my dresser..."

"And Rook. What are you waiting for? The longe they hold the things I cursed, the sicker they will be. Go." Vil hissed, shooing Rook away like an animal. One that is that of a lovesick puppy, or rather, lovesick wolf. Always loving, doting, gentle, yet they still were savage beasts at the end of the day. A true hunter by nature.

"Useless people truly, useless people all around me." Vil sighed, staring at the notes he had taken for himself. He has begun making changes to the Spudlings and there position in the SDC. The main vocalists will be Jamil, Epel, and himself... But you would definitely be in that mix too. He just needed to give you a little creative nudge, after you've healed, of course.

Yet as Vil looked over things a little thought wiggled in the back of his mind, he was aware Rook this had your hair. Yet he himself didn't know what that blonde boy was planning. He could only hope it would be something normal.

"Oh my sweet crinkle cut. My sweet potato... My dear. I wish I never hurt you so. But lately my morals have been crossing. I can't help but find myself at a loss. No different from any of the bugs that bumble around this useless dorm. They are at loss for a home, while I'm at a loss for love. Nothing to call my own besides Rook. But Rook never was my Queen, you were."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now