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"Lizzy... Am I late? I fell asleep in my last class, my apologies." Malleus felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of your voice. You actually showed up. You were actually interested in the club... He turned towards you, the sight of your cute mask filling his heart with delight. In a way, you were no different from one another.

"You are neither late, or early. We haven't discussed formal meeting times yet... So, let's begin that today after our first meeting." You were no different in the sense that, you had your fair share of things you kept hidden, just like him. If he has one issue, it'd be how he could never see your eyes. He never knew what you were looking at. His horns? Hair? He'd respect your secrets as long as you kept respecting his.

"Of course! Ah- I know nothing about gargoyles, really. Can you tell me about them?"

"Ah, I see... Let's start with this first. Do you know what purpose gargoyles serve?"

"Yes, actually. They act as waterspouts to prevent types of erosion on buildings. They also serve as a type of guardian, I think?" He felt a surge of heat reach his cheeks. Did you also know the difference between a grotesque and a gargoyle? How about the different styles for the different years? Or...

"You are mostly correct. I'm surprised you know about them at all." You pursed your lips together behind your mask, feeling a tad bit offended. You knew some things. Some. Malleus himself had a long stride. A very long one. You could tell he was trying to walk slow so you could keep up with him. You also could tell that the fact you were practically speed walking was amusing him.

He ended up dragging you around everywhere. Literally. Showing you a grotesque and explaining how it served no purpose at all. Then dragging you around some more showing you the few they had around the area. You squinted at the sight. They were interesting nonetheless. Even though you used to briefly think they were giant rocks.

The sight of some stuck on top of buildings, sitting silently and alone was a bit saddening to you. You tilted you head, stopping yourself as he turned around. You stared at it in silence before softly letting the words spill,

"Some of them look so lonely..."


"The gargoyles, I mean. They look so loney sometimes... sitting up there all alone" Malleus glanced at the one you were staring at. In a way, those that stood alone, were alone. He listened intently to whatever things you had to say, letting your voice fill his ears. The second thing he had in mind... Gargoyles are not sentient. But he didn't really want to tell you that.

"I suppose so"

"Do you ever feel like that? Lonely?" You asked, tilting your head at him. He didn't know whether to answer honestly or not. But he didn't want to 'lie' to you more than he already has. Despite his lying being more a less... The truth in a different aray of words. Even so... Before he knew it, he found the words spilling out of his mouth without control.

"All the time."

"Mmm..." You paused, "Me too."

There was a long moment of silence. The kind you'd hear when secluded at night, not a sound on the world... Just the sound of your own thoughts and heartbeat. You let out a quick huff before clearing your throat, "But! You don't have to be lonely anymore!"

You motioned him down, he hesitantly leaned forward not expecting what you were going to do next. You booped his nose,  "You have me. I promise. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always open to listen."

Before Malleus could say anything back, you were already stepping backwards, adjourning the meeting already. You left him speechless. He felt his tongue twist as you quickly gave him an explained, "it's nearing the time I must go... I have to leave, Lizzy."

"When will I see you again?" He asked, overstimulated, confused, and most importantly... Excited. For some reason. He felt like he had just made a real friend, a true friend. You weren't afraid of him, you were... You were many things that's for sure. He can't wait to tell Lilia everything again...

As you had begun to walk away, you couldn't help but notice Floyd not to far from you and malleus. He looked distance in a way, you waved to him and quickly scattered. You needed to find you before she found you instead. An angry Yuu is not a fun one.

Floyd stiffened at the sight of you besides that man. He had just finished basketball practice with Ace and Jamil. Still dripping in sweat, he tilted his head as you looked up at them. Nothing is really wrong with that, it's your choice really. He tried to ignore it, but he felt something chewing away at him.

He thought you were his friend, no? You deserve to be happy but does it really have to be with that thing? You should've came to his basketball instead, or... or something. What was chewing at him. What was that. What was it. He clawed at his arms, his throat tightening. He didn't know what was wrong. Where did this sudden pain come from?

He remained dormant for a while. So much so he didn't realize how long he had been standing, his brother had found him stiff, smirking at the sight of his brother so starstruck. Floyd himself didn't know what was wrong, but Jade knew. Jade could read him right away as he watch you step away from your new friend, waving at them so happily.

"Oh... My dear brother. Looks like you've caught quite the sickness."

And a sickness it was. Floyd had only realized just now that out off all people in this college, you were the one that made his heart pound. You made him happy, you determined whether or not he'd be in a good mood. His expression becoming unreadable, his brother sighed giving him a little nudge.

"Azul needs us tonight. Don't forget." His brother had already knew, that Floyd was in love with you.

Floyd wanted to say something to you right then and there. He felt his legs tingling with the urge to run after you, but... He couldn't. You had already left from sight, leaving him breathless as always. Why did love exist if it hurt so badly? He wished he never met such an interesting shrimp. He wished his boss never made that deal with Yuuka. He wished that you wouldn't be so distant because if the things they had done. He's sorry.

Message received from Cay-Cay😤

Ay yo!~ you going to that fair?

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

The what?

Message received from Cay-Cay

The National Arcane Academy Culture Fair 🙄🙄

Message sent from Fun-Sized 🦐

Ugh... Sounds like Pomefigays will be all over it



"I used to wish to be able to eat you up, shrimpy... But now I wish for nothing more then to make things up. I want to squeeze you till you pop, I want to bite on every inch of your skin. But I also want to be the only person who does those things. I want to be the only one in your little shrimpy life..."

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐏𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now