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Kyujin's POV

As soon as Jinni Unnie rolled the dice, everything turned white. Everything was confusing, and when I could finally see, I was in the middle of a forest. I couldn't see any of my friends, there were nothing but trees. I had nothing but my quilt and the piece of paper that held my role. Sorcerer, it read.

"Unnies?", I called out. No answer.

"Sunoo Oppa!", I yelled out. Again, nothing. Just then, things went dark. First everything turned super white and now everything is black. What in the world? I probably passed out because I don't remember anything else.

I woke up next to a table and I had my quilt on. I had a headache and my head was spinning. I thought I had fallen asleep while playing the game but I looked around and saw that all of the others were asleep. Then I looked around the room and I wasn't in Bae unnie's house.

"I didn't expect you to wake up for a while", a voice said. I sort of jumped at the sound and searched for the person. There stood a very pretty girl. She looked like she was in the same age group of all of us and she was really tall.

"Are you younger than the others?", she asked.

"Why should I answer questions from a stranger who have somehow drugged my friends?", I said defensively. If there was anything I had learnt from all my life experiences it would be, trust nobody until they have proven that they can be trusted.

"We don't have to argue", she said, calmly which was very irritating because I was worried, scared, confused and agitated. "Let's wait for the others to wake up and you'll have all the answers you want", she continued.

Just then a person came flying into the room. He looked so cold and fierce. I thought he would be a very rude scary person.

"One is already awake?", he asked, with a concerned look, " is your magic getting weaker?"

"It's the same as yours. You staggered as you came in", the girl replied. The two of them walked to a different room.

Just then Bae unnie started to stir. Yuna and Niki were also waking up.

"What just happened?", Bae unnie groaned.

"You're board game is cursed. That's what happened", Niki oppa answered with his eyes half closed.

"Where are we?", Yuna unnie asked, looking around.

Jiwoo unnie and Sunoo oppa also started to wake up.

"Kyujin, have you been awake this whole time?", Bae unnie asked, "Do you know where we are?".

"Yesh, I was the first to wake up. I don't know where we are but I did see the people who brought us here", I answered.

"Did you get a splitting headache too?", Sunoo oppa asked me. I nodded.

By now everyone was awake and I'm pretty sure that everyone's head was swarming with the same question. What's going on? Where are we? What's going to happen now?

Just then the two people that I saw earlier walked in and the guy said, "you're all awake, good. We have something very important to tell you".

Niki's POV

I don't know where the hell I am but I swear when I get back home or back to where I was before, I am going to destroy that board game. There are now two people in front of me, one male and one female and it seems like they're going to be telling us something. The guy said it was very important. Of course when he said it, chaos broke out and everyone was started questioning the two.

"Who are you?"
"Where are we? "
"Why are we here?"
"Will we be able to get back?"
"What is so important that you had to kidnap us?"

I got an even worse headache because of all the noise of all the people asking questions.

"If you guys can quiet down now, we'll tell you all there is that you should know ", the girl said.

"My name is Huening Kai and this is my sister, Edlynne", the guy said.

"You guys are at the borders of Entwurf", Edlynne said.

"As to why you guys are here, you guys have been prophesized to save us all", Huening Kai said, as though it was an extremely ordinary thing.

"What?!", Sullyoon Noona yelled and that was the loudest I've ever heard her speak.

"It's a long story but we'll have to tell you that so be prepared to listen ", they both said at the same time.

"But you guys must be hungry so let's all have dinner first", Wonyoung said.

Surprisingly she was right, we were all hungry. Maybe it was because, I don't know, we were drugged into sleeping, maybe reaching this place took some time and it was way more than a few minutes or maybe it was because the food smelt delicious but I was hungry and next to me I could hear Sunoo Hyung's stomach grumbling.

"We can't just eat food given by strangers", Yuna Noona said, "what if it's poisoned?".

"We just said you guys are supposed to save us and we told our names, we're not strangers and we won't kill you", Huening Kai answered.

Then, after the best dinner I've had in years, everyone was gathered back to the room, I guess it was the living room, and Edlynne and Huening Kai decided to give us the most interesting history lesson I've ever heard.

╭──────────────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

Another chapter out
My life rn sucks and I don't get time to update either so I'm sorry
Next chapter will be interesting, I hope.

Yeah, guess who's updating instead of studying for her test tomorrow

Hope you guys are enjoying this story
Your reads and comments mean a lot, yeah
Feel free to comment your thoughts and opinions

Thanks guys

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