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24. Back On The Road

Kyujin's POV

After Bae explained the details of the dream, Drayce was the first person to speak. "The first thing Kaida is going to do is check this forest, so if there is anything you guys can do to help us get out of here undetected, I would like to know."

"We have powers and a spell for that, don't worry." Yuna said. "what's more important is the tree which is dying. What could that be about?"

"That would be the Tree of Life. It's in the very center of the Realm of Magical Creatures, and powers the whole realm." Drayce answered.

"I thought you were confined here. How do you know that?" Ni-ki asked.

"The Realm of Magical Creatures is the only realm that is in contact with the other realms. There are portals, powered by the Tree of Life which connect it to all other realms." Drayce answered.

"Why is it connected, though?" I asked. "I thought everyone was isolated."

"It's because every single magical creature first appears in the Realm, and if they can only live in a particular climate, they get transported elsewhere." Drayce answered. "Dragons are far too big to stay there and so they all get transferred here."

"So the dragons told you all about it?" Jiwoo asked.

"Yes. But earlier Althea accompanied them, and I would ask her to pass on messages to Enya and Zale. She could never manage to reach Maya, though." Drayce answered.

"Althea?" Bae said, probably trying to remember all the information that Huening Kai and Edlynne had told us earlier.

"The realm's Guardian." Drayce answered.

"Ohh, okay. Then where is the portal to the realm?" Bae asked.

"Right outside the forest, in the outskirts of the realm. Sadly, it cannot be opened from here, we'll have to go the long way." Drayce said.

"Well, that sucks. How long will it take to travel there?" Ni-ki asked.

"It depends, I've seen the realm from here and by flight it won't take too long. However, if we use the transportation vehicles you guys have, it'll be dark by the time we reach the realm." Drayce answered.

"The we should fly, right?" Ni-ki said. "I mean, I could carry all nine of you."

"You're forgetting something, Kaida is out there and she'll be ready to attack. Dragons don't take well to traitors, which is what I am now." Drayce reminded.

"Bae and I could make us invisible." Yuna said.

"Or I could just bend the light and we won't be seen", I suggested.

"What?" Sunoo asked.

"And this is why you're failing physics." I said to him. "We only see things because of light reflecting off of it. If I bend the light away from us, we won't be seen."

"Let's leave that as an option for the next time Yuna passes out and Bae doesn't wake up." Jungwon said.

"Shut up." Bae said.

"Honestly!" Yuna exclaimed, while the rest of us laughed.

"Should we get going?" Drayce asked. "I assume we're all well rested and I've already packed some food."

"Yeah, we should." Sunghoon said.

"Then, what are we waiting for?" Bae said.


We were waiting for the storm to stop. The second we decided to go out, there was a storm just out of nowhere.

"I should have remembered, storms are very sudden in this realm." Drayce had said.

"Yeah, because freak storms are something one can easily forget." Sunoo grumbled.

It was more than an hour that we said there waiting for the rain to stop. But then the skies were clear and sunny, which sucked too. It was so hot.

And soon we were dragon riders, trying so hard not to fall down from their backs and die a grisly death. Yuna, Sullyoon, Jini and I were on Drayce while the others were on Ni-ki. I looked back and saw Huening Kai following us. Edlynne was probably already there waiting.

Drayce was right, Kaida was waiting with some more dragons. I knew because Bae had described what Kaida looked like. Thank God we were invisible and soundless.

"She'll probably be there for a while." Jini said.

After quite some flying, Drayce landed in a meadow and Ni-ki followed.

"We'll just have to walk a little, and we'll have reached." Drayce informed.

"Great, let's have a snack." Yuna said.

"I second that." Bae said.

And so we ate sandwiches, which tasted heavenly, by the way. Drayce is so husband material.

We started walking again, following the path from before and soon we reached a cliff, a dead-end.

"Drayce, where do we go after this?" I asked alarmed, but he wasn't there.

Was this a trap?

I didn't see Huening Kai and Edlynme either. Come to think of it, I haven't seen them since we left the boundaries of The Realm Of Dragons.

"Edlynne? Huening Kai?" I heard Sunghoon say.

"Drayce?!" Ni-ki shouted. That is the most emotion I have ever heard in his voice.

"What do we do?" Jiwoo asked.

"I don't know." Sunoo answered.

"Guys" Sullyoon said. "Look up".

We all listened and then we saw it. A floating island.

"Is that the Realm Of Magical Creatures?" Jini wondered aloud.

"Yes, it is" a voice said. "And you are not welcome."

╭──────────────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

Short chapter, I know
Cliffhanger, I know
Super late update, I know and I'm so sorry
I hope y'all are enjoying the story
Your reads, votes and comments always make my day

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