- 2. 𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔? -

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𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 :

"Valerie who?" asked me the girl named ellie i was still confused where i am and where the wound on my neck came from

"Torres." i say as she looks at me serious, she is already going on my nerves if she keeps asking so many things

"hm valerie torres, do you know abby anderson? do you know where she is?" i got even more confused, i look at the girl dina

"do you know what shes talking about?" i say with a smirk on my face, dina looks at ellie and giggles

"ohh you think you are funny?" she said with a impatient voice, i wanted to burst out laughing but she slapped me and the situation was serious again

"ellie! what the actual fuck" dina was shocked as she realized what she just did, ellie rolled her eyes as she turns her face back to me

"soo answer my questions now or do i have to slap you again?"

"well no i do not know an abby i don't know where she is satisfied?" i look down as i say this

"if i find out you lie, i'll kill you and it will be excruciating so think carefully if you telling the truth" i look up at her again

"this is the truth if you don't believe me then just kill me hm?" now dina sits down infront of me and ask me the same as ellie did
i tell her again that i don't know what they are talking about, she sighs an let her head sink in her hands, ellie puts an hand on her shoulder while shes watching every move i make like i'm an life threatening object

"what you looking at is something wrong with my face?"

"you have an annoying personality you know that? so everything is wrong about you not just your face" she says while i guess she's being annoyed by me?
actually this is going to be fun

"ellie shut up, your attitude doesn't help here and you are the one who's annoying right now." ellie immediately grabs dina by her wrist and pulls her after herself and mumbles something, its seems like they're starting a fight about what? me? seriously? i shake my head

"we can't keep her with us i don't trust her"

"again? you already said that and well i do trust her, she said a few times she doesn't know about abby or anything else so get yourself together and let her come with us to jesse and tommy, just this once trust someone else then me please?" i see how dina leans forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek, ellie starts to smile soft

"oh wow thats the first time i see you smile since you guys 'kidnapped' me" i say with a laughter, obvious this was a joke but before i can say this, she does this serious face and turns to me

"you were less annoying unconscious." as she said that i pulled my legs close to my chest and mouth an 'sorry'

"i think we should go to sleep?" ellie nods and lies down on the couch, dina right next to her, not a single sound around me except my own thoughts, its beautiful.

+:。.。 - 。.。:+

It's early in the morning I guess I hear some birds chirping, I noticed ellie and dina weren't here, I wonder if they went hunting or something.
After a few minutes I slowly get up and look around the shelter.
i see a guitar and a notebook? I take it off the table and open the first page, it's not a notebook it is a sketchbook and the sketches are actually pretty good.
probably its ellies, i continue to leaf through the book, i don't only see sketches i see...

I think I'm completely wrong it's not one of the books i thought it could be it's something like a diary?

"shit" i mumble to myself, i know that they are not here right now but it still it feels wrong to have look through all this, suddenly i hear foot steps coming near the door.
I immediately put the book back in its place, and just sit on the couch

both come in laughing and as I see they were actually hunting, Dina hangs a rabbit over her shoulder
I watch her as she goes to the table and places the animal there
dina turns to me

"Do you want to help prepare food?" i nod quickly as i walk to her
I ask her what i could do to help, she explains everything possible
in the end we actually made a nice meal although we live in the middle of an apocalypse
I can't even imagine how people lived when the apocalypse wasn't there
but the weirdest thing rn is, ellie didn't look at me once or said a word where is the hatefull look i get since we met

as we finished eating, dina suggested that me and ellie should go hunting for tonight so
that jesse and tommy also have something to eat

"its also going to be a long way so we start in morning tomorrow so that we can arrive on time there"

"wait what?" i look at dina "so if i'm right i have to go hunting alone with her? please be kidding" i let my head fall back and sigh as i look back at them

"yeah alone with me, is there a problem?"

"nope there isn't, so i guess we already have to go now? " i say as ellie and i get up at the same time
she puts on her jacket and looks at Dina

"you have a jacket for her?" ellie asks as she keeps looking at dina
a few moments later she hands me a jacket i gave her a thankful look as ellie is already waiting in the door frame

"you coming? or would you preffer to start flirting with my girlfriend"

"what- flirting with your girlfriend? god i was just thankful for the jacket clam down miss overprotective"

"you both should clam down, and now it would be great if you two just go" she literally started shooing us out the door as dina closed the door i tip on ellies shoulder
she immediately pushed me away

"alright clam down, sooo where do we go first?" i say as i walk beside her

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