- 37. 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒆 -

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𝑬𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 :

I only remember how me and valerie lost each other
I wouldn't had let her go, but otherwise she'd be sitting here in this hellhole
I've been trying for hours to untie that damn knot that tied my wrists around a chair
I felt weaker than I had ever felt
My head was pounding like crazy, still trying to keep me upright, even tho it was hard, because at the same time bright light was shining on me from everywhere
After some time, I heard footsteps coming towards me

"soo ellie williams, finally we found you" I squeezed my eyes harder to see who was talking to me, of course it was none other than Deliah

"what do you want"

"dont be rude, i can easily kill you" She leaned down to me and lifted my chin with two fingers

"I'd rather be dead than look into your treacherous eyes"

"you- god" She let her fingers off me and beat me
i let my head fall down and a grin spread across my lips

"you are pathetic, you know valerie is looking for me and if she finds me you all be dead in a second"

"oh el you really think that? she is gone with abby, she can now live a better life without your problems and dramas, And besides, does she have the courage to kill someone?" She sat down on the floor in front of me and looked me in the eye
I knew Val would come back to get me

"shut your goddamn mouth" i say
the door opened again

"have a little respect darling" I hear the footsteps of a pair of high heels, it was Valerie's mother

"never" I respond I no longer felt weak, but anger was piling up

"enough" She was standing right in front of me, holding a gun to my forehead

"go on shoot" I felt the gun leave my forehead

"I'd pull the trigger right away, but I think I'll leave that to your beloved girlfriend, hmm?" After that sentence I honestly didn't know what to say anymore "And there she is is"
The next moment the door was kicked down and entered
valerie with abby

"i knew it was you" before val could continue talking, her mother was already handing her the gun

"shoot" she said to her

"wha-" Valerie looked back and forth between me and her mother

"You're really useless, kill her" she looked at her


"do it or i will, darling"

"why" Valerie looked at her with a questioning look, I was silent and just watched, I waited for the bullet to finally hit my head
But her mother didn't answer her question

"goddamn valerie do it, you will fight on our side"

"i- i'll do it" she said but I didn't want to believe it in any way, the next moment I heard her shoot and I closed my eyes
I didn't feel anything, is that the feeling of death?
I opened my eyes, but no, I was still alive
I looked at Valerie, who was still pointing the gun at her mother?
She was laying on the floor and didn't move in any way
Only Abby, me and Valerie are still in that room with her dead mother but Deliah was gone
Valerie ran over to me, untied me and helped me up, without hesitation she took me and Abby by the arm and ran out through the hospital into the woods
she stopped abruptly

"valerie? are you okay?" She did not answer "val?" I looked around anxiously when my eyes landed on Abby's, she looked just as worried

"i- i killed my own mother" she dropped to her knees and looked down at her hands
she was shaking
I was about to pull her into my arms, but she pushed me away
At that moment, she burst into tears, Abby approached her, and suddenly , valerie let abby take her into her arms
I didn't understand what was going on

"everything is gonna be okay" abby whispered to her

"i killed her because of you" she tore herself away from Abby and stood up as she looked at me

"its okay" I tried to calm her down

"no its not okay, everything i do is for you" She screamed at me now and more tears rolled down her cheeks
I lifted my hand to to put it on her cheek, I wiped away her tear with my thumb, now i held her face in both of my hands

"its over now alright?"

"It will never be over" she leans her head on my chest, I took her in my arms
at least she didn't push me away this time and I enjoyed that moment
I looked at Abby and saw her annoyed look, I gave her a grin back
even if this situation was definitely not to grin

"so wanna head back to a shelter?" Abby interrupted us

.•♫•♬• - •♫•♬•

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