- 10. 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒎𝒆 -

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𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 :

i was packing our stuff when i heard ellie breathing loudly.
i went to her and sat down next to her when she finally opened her eyes.

"my neck hurts"

"well good morning to you too"

"mh, what happened?"

"you don't wanna to know" i said as I looked down at her

"Oh but I want and where-"
She got up and ran outside
i immediately went after her

"wheres abby?"

"well.. I killed her?"

"you what?" she looked at me questioningly

"yes? is that a problem i killed her instead of letting you die?"

"no absolutely not a problem" she sounds sarcastic

"maybe a thank you??"

"fuck you" she groans as she slowly walked back in, looking for something in her bag

"excuse you?"

"where is she?"

"i threw it into the river?"

"it was my own job to kill abby and you took it from me" she took a sip from her flask

"yes? because you couldn't do anything against her you would have died otherwise, sorry for saving your life?"

"you don't understand, i was months, no even a year after her to kill her and all this just that someone else kills her for me?" she threw the flask a few meters away from her and came towards me.

"i'm sorry" she was now so close in front of me that I could feel her breath on me
i now looked directly into her eyes

"i don't need an apology, now shes dead. great"

"but please let's not fight again I'm tired of it"

"we won't" she said while she seems to calm down

"lets make a promise?"

"a promise? we aren't kids"


"alright if it makes you happy, what promise?"

"lets try not to fight for the next few days 'til were back in wyoming" i said


"thank you" I looked at her and felt my cheeks warm up

"mhm" she leaned a little towards my lips
i took a step back
so she took another step towards me
i was about to take the next step back when she grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to her.

"what are you doing"

"i have to say that I forgive you for killing abby even if it's a real shame that I couldn't do it" she said with a smirk on her face.

"I.. that's great?" she tightened her grip around my waist as her gaze land on my lips
i felt her warm breath on my face
it gave me tingles
and as long as i can remember i felt her soft lips on mine
her beautiful soft lips
our kiss became more intense as I noticed she put her hand under my shirt.
i gasped briefly and left her lips

"what? never had a make out session?" my cheeks blush
but I shook my head.

"so i'm the first one? thats even better" she was about to kiss me again but I deviated

"but what about dina?.."

"shh there is no dina rn, just me and you"in the next second her hot lips were back on mine

it felt like she knew what she was doing because with every kiss i got more impatient
i guess she even noticed i got out of breath so she stopped and looked at me

"hm let's continue there.. " her hand still on my waist while she put me carefully onto the mattress
she was on top of me on of her legs were between mine
she took her hand off my waist and now supported herself over me.


"ready for what" for sure i sound nervous as hell

"for a real session?" i didn't know what to say instead I just looked at her

"you have to tell me val"

"i guess?" she nodded to me with a grin and kissed me with passion
I was about to put my arms around her neck she grabbed my hands and put them over me and held them so i could not move them,
she wandered from my lips down to my neck and left a few kisses.

"want some bitemarks?" before I could even answer, she bit my neck lightly and a soft moan escaped
she pushed my shirt up and kissed me underneath as she arrived at my breasts and left some marks there, another moan escaped my mouth
when she came back up she grinned at me

"don't stop"

"hmm why? you liked it right?"

"i did?" she let go of my hands

"well, maybe next time" she stood up and looked down at me

"oh come on"

"get up, we have to go" she said i rolled my eyes and put my shirt in place
i took my bag as ellie took my hand and we walked outside

"so back to wyoming? abby is gone so there is nothing to do anymore"

"well actually i have to tell you something" she stopped walking and her eyes land on me again


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