-21. 𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 -

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𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒘𝒐

𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽 :

i saw jesse and tommy look at each other for a moment and then nodded

"fine" said tommy, then ellie looked over at me

"told you" she said the same thing I said a few minutes ago she grinned at me as well.

"well then this meeting is over, you know what you have to do when they come we have to be prepared, we will probably go on a patrol in 2 or 3 days" when ellie said that she stood up and supported herself on the table, then the others stood up and gave their understanding that everything would work out
after everyone had gone I got up now, ellie looked at me and took me by my hand she said nothing when we go back
did she realize that it was the wrong decision or why was she so quiet?
she opened the door and next, something happened that I didn't expect, when she closed the door she pushed me against the door and kissed me
she started deviating from my lips and kissing down my neck
i pushed her away lightly and she looked at me confused.

"everything okay?" she asked me

"uhm yes, it came just out of nowhere" I said as I scratched my head slightly

"oh sorry Val.."

"no don't be, I was just surprised" I kissed her before she could even say anything, then she pulled me behind her into the bathroom "what are we doing here?" I said confused because I didn't understand why we were suddenly standing in the bathroom

"i wanna take a shower"

"with me?"

"yeah with you?" she pulled me to her and let her hands slide under my shirt while she kissed me, she took off my shirt and my pants then herself, when we both stood there in underwear she went into the shower and turned the water on she gave me a signal to come
when I stood there with her, the lukewarm water flows over my body
i took off my underwear it was already wet anyway but that didn't matter in that moment.
she did the same
she looked at me with those eyes in the dim light

"what?" i ask while she starts smiling

"nothing, except that I want you to be relaxed this time not tense like last time" she chuckles

"but you know i can't"

"you can"

"n-" the next moment she kissed me.

"so be quiet i got neighbors" i nodded silently.
she suddenly stood behind me and kissed my neck, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body again.
now she let her hand slide past my belly to my clit
she moved her fingers for a few minutes but what came next I didn't think I was ready for it.
she was in front of me and pushed me against the wall which gave me a shiver
she kneeled down infront of me

"el..." she stopped before she did what she wanted to do and looked at me

"how did you just called me?"

"el?" i realize that i gave her a nickname

"say it one more time"

"why?" i ask

"because i like how you say it"

"you gonna hear it enough" as I said that she nodded and suddenly started kissing me down there.
it felt abnormally good and I started breathing heavily again.
after a while she slide her tongue out to eat me
she uses her fingers at the same time
i felt so much at once that my legs started to get wobbly and I could hardly stand
I tried to hold myself somehow but of course there was only the wall behind me

"fucking hell.." I moaned
ellie moved her fingers more and hard but still with love
Iiknew she likes it when I'm not quiet

"you doing good babe" how it sounded when she looked at me completely out of breath and said this
this gave me a tingly feeling in my chest
my heart was pounding really fast as if it was about to jump out of me
her fingers were still inside me that didn't stop moving.
the familiar tension in my stomach was back
my breathing and moaning became louder
so she slowed down

"keep going" i said so she did
I came, it was an indescribable feeling
i let the last moan escape when she pulled her fingers out, i almost fell to the ground and didn't manage to intercept myself, but she held me in time. "so good?" she asks i only nod

"next time i'm gonna fuck you.." i say while still breathing a too little fast

"oh yeah?"


"well then i'm waiting, but now here" she hands me a towel
after i dried myself, we went to bed

"you are special" she said as we were just laying there with a blanket over our bodys, we cuddled close to each other

"you making me blush and you know that"

"do i?"

"god yes" I said this when I buried my head under the blanket and giggled

"oh i l-" she wanted to say something
but suddenly a gun shot
i jumped up

"what the fuck-"

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